entry 08

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entry 08 | 11:07 pm

hey there besties :finger guns:

so today we got a holiday , praise the lord 🙏 and i decided to spend the whole morning by binge watching heartstopper (won really wont stop talking about it so time to jump on this wagon) and and 😭😭 it's so cute and wholesome and where tf is nick nelson in my life i need him guys shakinf 

ngl he's such a bi icon and like i totally relate to how he was going through his 'questioning' journey cause i went through the same thing, like how can i go 'i think guys are hot and girls are hot too' but also he's like a golden retriever, damn charlie really got lucky with him. and his dog >>>> i really wanna get a dog now but then i can't even take care of myself so being a pet parent is a bit too early for me ✋🏻

so while i was just finishing up this show which has descended to save my soul, boo called up to ask if i wanted to hang out with him and you all know the answer of the whipped vernon

we just walked around the park today, yk really casual just the two of us in the cold weather with animated leaves flying past us (i'm still in my heartstopper era stop) and boo was wearing this really cute pink sweater that made him look extra cuddly and adorable hh i just wanna put him in my pocket which isn't big enough for him >:(

as he was bragging about his new sweater (as he should) this kid (who was probably from out school idk??) apparently heard him and went 'YOU LOOK REALLY GAY IN THAT SWEATER' yes i know what the fuck firstly it ain't his damn business to say anything about a person you don't know and secondly did i even ask?? boo looked so hurt with that guys comment so my internal courage came out so i shouted back 'HE DIDNT ASK FOR YOUR OPINION YOU BASTARD' which made him immediately look at me which shock, i probably came off too intimidating cause he just walked the other way

now i wanted to throw a punch or two with my twig arms at him but boo pulled me back and he said 'thank you nonie' before pulling me into a hug and hhh i just melted bro all the anger just disappeared?? i just hugged boo back and ask if he wanted to go home to which he nodded, we didn't talk about what happened and i just walked him home, he seemed better after awhile

but still man it hat was so bad, i really felt hurt cause boo was still questioning himself and he gets hate for talking about a sweater?? to make him feel better, i sent him a message saying not to worry and basically cheer him up, he didn't see it yet but but when he does i'll let you guys know

now onto finishing heartstopper, i'll see you guys later 😚


crush | verkwanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora