Harry Asthma

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It was in the middle of our show when it happened. The crowd roared with excitement as we were in the middle of singing What Makes Your Beautiful. I was jumping around and having a blast when I started to feel out of breath. It felt like someone were to be sitting on my chest. I stopped bouncing around and bent down, placing my hands on my knees trying to catch my breathe. My breathing was becoming labored. This caught Niall's attention and he ran right over placing his hand on my back. He knew I struggled with asthma, so he was always there to support. Thankfully nobody else was paying attention. I felt his hot breath close to my ear before he spoke.
"Are you okay?" he asked. I shook my head, starting to see the world spin. "I need to leave" I said rather loud and quickly. With that, we both rushed off the stage and into our dressing room where it was quiet and empty. I sat down onto the couch, taking deep breathes. Niall disappeared but soon came back with an inhaler. I gladly took it, taking a few puffs before taking another deep breath.
    It didn't seem to help and by now I started to panic. I placed a hand onto my chest, looking up at Niall with worried eyes. It was getting too hard to breathe now. I knew Niall was panicking on the inside by the way his eyes were wide. Every breathe I took it felt like a stabbing sensation. I coughed lightly. What seems like forever, the boys came rushing into the dressing room. "Harry!" Louis said, rushing over and sitting by my side. I leaned back onto the couch, taking deep breathes. "Should we bring him to the hospital?" Zayn suggested. I shook my head. "No... I'll... I'll be fine. "I said in between breathes. I placed my inhaler in my mouth again before taking two puffs. Finally, my airway opened, and I could breathe again. "Next time, let us know when you start to feel shitty" Louis said, rubbing the small of my back. I nodded.
This one was short, I hope it wasn't too bad, I can re-do it if you would like! Xx

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