Niam- stomache

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when i woke up that morning, immediately i knew something was wrong. my stomach felt as if someone was stabbing me with a knife. groaning, i rolled over and curled into a fetal position, wrapping my arms around my stomach, hoping it would go away.

i was wrong, 10 minutes later and it seemed to only be getting worse. i sat up slowly, watching as the room spun. i felt a hand on my back and i startled. opening my eyes i looked over.

"are you alright Ni? " Liam said, looking down at me with worry in his eyes.

i shook my head slowly "i'm not feeling good" i said, looking up at Liam with a pained expression.

he frowned "i'll get you some medicine Ni, i'll be right back" i watched as he walked out of the room before i laid back down, curling back up in the previous position i was in before. i closed my eyes.

i felt a hand shake my shoulder "ni? wake up babe, i got your medicine" i groaned, opening my eyes. i must of fell asleep. i saw liam holding 2 pills with a glass of water in the other hand.

i sat up slowly, taking the pills from liam and downed the water with them, laying back down.

"thank you Liam" i said softly, closing my eyes again. " you're welcome Niall" he said, hearing the smile in the voice. i felt the bed dip, liam's hand rubbing my back "sleep Niall, you might feel better". Liam said, laying behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso. i nodded slowly, feeling my eyes already closing.

soon i fell into a deep sleep.
when i woke up, the pain in my stomach faded. i rolled over on my other side, seeing that liam had fallen asleep. i moved closer to him and leaned down, kissing his lips gently "thank you for taking care of me" i whispered, watching his lips curl into a small smile "no need to thank me" he whispered, opening his eyes and looking into mine "i love you " i said, pressing my lips against his. " i love you more" he said, before pecking my lips once more.

sorry it's been so long, tbh i've been really lazy to write 😅



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