Larry- sick on stage/fainting

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This was a request by @tapdancerdrummer :) i hope you enjoy!


The coughs that racked through by body was excruciating. I've been feeling horrible all day. My stomach in knots, my head pounded with every step It took. I managed to get through the interviews and photo shoots today. I just hope I can get through the concert.

The lights were bright, filling the stadium up with a glow showing a sea of thousands of people. The music loud, in beat with the music. My head thumped with every beat. My vision starting to blur. I had to stop. I looked over to Louis who was chasing Liam around throwing water at him. Looking over, Niall was making the fans scream by doing his famous Irish jig. I closed my eyes for a second, opening them to only seeing black dots now. I felt the nausea creep up on me. Quickly I ran over behind the stage and bent over, closing my eyes. I started to breathe heavily, Gagging, i started to throw up. I whimpered, my head feeling worse than before. Suddenly I felt my knees buckling to the floor, feeling the whole world crash before me into darkness. Lraving me unconscious.

Louis' POV

Something was missing, but i couldn't point out what. When I looked around the stage i saw Harry was missing. I furrowed my eyebrows. Where could he be? I walked over to Liam and whispered in his hear, asking if he knew where Harry went. He shook his head and tuned to look for Harry, which then caught Niall and Zayn's attention, Making the crowd wonder. Walking to the back of the stage i looked down the stairs, seeing something laying on the ground. Walking down the steps i walked over the the mysterious thing. Once I got over, i gasped, running over.

"Harry!" I yelled, kneeling down next to the unconscious boy. I shook his arm, trying to get him to wake up. With no luck i started to panic. I got up, running to get one of the boys. Liam quickly took notice and went to get one of the body guards. I ran back over to Harry, trying to get him to wake up. Soon enough they ran over, trying to find out what the commotion was about. Paddy pulled out his phone, dialing 999. I took deep breathes, calming myself down. Niall came out, hearing about what was going on.

" We stopped the show, I explained everything and they understand. " He said, slightly out of breathe and worried. I nodded, feeling relieved. By the time I got back down to Harry he was being lifted into the ambulance. I started to tear up, feeling scared of what was going to happen next.

Harry's POV 

Harry finally opened his eyes only to stare at the white ceiling. He sat up slowly as exhaustion  still plagued him.. Closing his eyes and shaking her head vigorously didn't help much. Several minutes later he  took several deep breaths. His  world had finally stopped spinning. I looked around, the dull, bland, hospital room's walls felt like they were closing in on me. The aroma of medication in the air, the sound of machines beeping and patients coughing and the little television which was on, but no sound came from it. Soon, a doctor in white came in, noticing me sat upright and eyes opened. He smiled softly, he had black short hair and brown eyes, slim and tall. 

" Mr. Styles it looks like the cause of your fainting was a migraine. We will send you home with some medicine and you also need plenty of rest and water and you will be just fine. " He said, smiling again. I nodded. 

'Where are my friends?" I asked softly, hearing the roughness in my voice. 

" I will go get them" He said before walking out of the room. I waited patiently fiddling with my fingers before i knew they were in the room. I looked up, a smile spread across my face. Louis walked over, wrapping his arms around me. 

" You scared me so much Haz " He spoke softly. I nodded. 

" I didn't mean to scare you " I said, bowing my head in shame. I felt a finger to my chin, my head suddenly being lifted up. 

" It's okay " Louis smiled. "You're alright now " I nodded. " Let's go home" I smiled, hearing those words. "Let's go"


Once home, they helped me into bed, getting everything I needed before crawling into bed, cuddling into my side. " we're so glad you're okay now Haz" Liam said softly, moving the hair out of my face. I nodded. " next time I'll tell you if i don't feel well " They all nodded in agreement, pulling the covers over and turning the lights out. 

"You better" Was the last thing i heard before drifting off into a dreamful sleep.


Alright guys I did this one really quickly just to get something out. Ii am still on vaca ad i wont be back till 9/11 ( i know, scary to be leaving on that day ) Buttt on the bright side heres another prompt! I hope it isn't to bad considering i tried rushing. 

love yall, kaitlyn xxx

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