Niall- Kidney Stone

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This has been requested by @directioner09131993 i hope you enjoy it :)


When i woke up, something was off. It was 2 in the morning and i had severe stomach pains. I couldn't pin point it but i knew something was wrong. I swung my legs over the bed, immediately regretting the decision. Pain shot up through my left side, like fire bursting into flames. I cried out in pain, doubling over. Slowly and carefully i got up out of my bed and walked over to my bag, hoping to find something to ease the pain. Luckily there was some Ibuprofen. I took two pills and placed the into my mouth, taking a few sips of water. Once back at my bed i lied down, hoping to get some sleep before our busy day along with a concert. 


The next time i woke up it was 8, i groaned, rolling over, feeling my side shoot up with pain once more. "Niall, c'mon we have to be ready for our interview. " Louis said, pulling the covers off me.  groaned

"Louis I really don't feel go-good" I said gasping, feeling the burning sensation burst into life. I groaned, I felt something drip down my forehead. Was i sweating? 

"You don't look good at all Ni, I'll have a chat with management and see if you can have the day off " He said softly, getting up and walking away. I plopped back down onto the bed, wiping my forehead. Why was i sweating? I felt fine until the pain in my side burst with pain. I closed my eyes, feeling suddenly tired. Maybe if I sleep more i'll feel better. With that thought i fell into a dreamless sleep.


When i woke up, i felt someone shaking my shoulder lightly, i groaned, opening my eyes. "wake up Niall, management said you have to go on with the day" I heard the sadness in Louis' voice as he spoke. I sighed. " How long did i sleep for? " I asked, feeling drained. 

"10 minutes" Louis said, getting up off the bed. I nodded. This is going to be a fun day


Once we arrived at the interview, we were ushered into the building. I went over to Lou, our hair stylist, and sat down. Gasping as the pain shot up in my side. 

"What's going on Niall?" Lou said, combing through my hair. I shrugged. " I have this pain in my side, hurts sometimes but not always. It's weird. " Lou nodded. I shifted, feeling a constant pain now. Great


It was time for the concert now and the pain was unbearable. I was currently curled up on the sofa, whimpering every now and then. The pain just wouldn't go away. " Time to shine lads" I heard Louis say, plopping down onto the sofa next to me. " How are you feeling Ni?" I shrugged. " It hurts way worse than ear-earlier" I said, grasping at my side when the pain shot up. "I am  sorry babe, I tried" Louis said sadly, rubbing my back. I sighed. "Better get this over with" I smiled, weakly. Sitting up, I slowly started to get up, immediately grabbing at my side, doubling over. Soon Louis was at my side, with an arm wrapped around my waist. " You sure your okay to do this?" Louis said, fear in his voice. I nodded. " I have too, i got no choice" I said, standing up. Here we go 


The lights were too bright, the music was too loud. I had a headache and the pain in my side increased more and more as the time went on. I managed to get through two songs before my stomach churned, nausea creeping its way up to my throat. In one short amount of time i was doubled over, vomiting all over the floor. Soon i felt someones hand on my back, rubbing it soothingly. Before I could see who it was,  suddenly I was light-headed and quick to fall on my knees. I barely registered the fact that it felt like all of the blood was rushing from my head all the way down to my feet in a sudden rush. Little black dots swarmed my vision, the corners of my sight slowly fading into black. I didn't even feel it when I hit the ground, not even the pain of my knees scraping the floor noisily. Everything blotted out and nothing mattered. All I could think of was the world crashing around me in a messy blur. I could barley register the sounds of people yelling my name and shouting to get help. 


  I am in a heavy black cloud. Nothing to see. Nothing to hear. Just this heaviness in my whole body. So heavy that I cannot move. I can't remember how to open my eyes. Then I start to hear noises. The buzz of machines. Clicking of feet near me. Quiet talking. I lie still. I strain to hear and makes sense of it all. No idea. Where am I and why? Next I feel some light shining on my closed eyes - a pink glow. I struggle to open them. Success. I am in a bright white place. Someone is bending over me. He says my name. And again. I try to remember how to talk. No words come, but I blink hard. Again he calls me. Again I try to answer. Suddenly I clear my throat. I think I am about to shout. But all that comes out is a tiny whisper 'What happened?" I watched as someone ran towards me. Soon I felt their arms around me. I looked and saw it was Louis. 

"You got sick and then you passed out on stage, i was worried sick about you" Louis said, wiping the tears that stained his cheeks. " The doctors said you have a kidney stone, that's why you've been having severe pains" I nodded slowly, the headache still there but just barley. " other than that you will be okay, just need to rest " Louis said, smiling. I nodded again. " can we go home?" 

"yes we can, and we can watch a film and cuddle while I take care of you" Louis said, helping me up and into new clothes. Taking his arm around my waist, he helped me out to the car. 


Pulling into the driveway, Louis got out, helping me into the house and onto the sofa. I watched as he went upstairs. Soon he was back within a matter of minutes with some blankets, pillows and some films to choose from. I picked one out as he placed it into the DVD player, Cuddling up next to me, we watched the film before I started to fall asleep. I felt Louis plant a kiss on my forehead. " sleep well love, I'll be here when you wake up" I felt my slight frown turn into a small smile before dosing off into darkness. 


Haven't done a prompt in a while! I hope you enjoy!

comment, vote maybe? share! :)

love, kaitlyn xxx

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