Ziam- sick

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Today was one of those days where we had loads of interviews and photoshoots but unfortunately it was one of those days where you felt like you were dying. Zayn was having one of those days.

Zayn's POV

I groaned rolling over onto my bed feeling like utter shit. My head killed and my stomach churned with every movement I made. Today was a busy day, I knew that but I know I couldn't do it all. I turned over looking at the clock which read 6:24am. I groaned again sitting up in bed feeling the world spin. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breathe. I heard a knock on the door. I sighed swinging my legs over the bed, carefully getting up. I put a hand on the side table, steadying myself before walking over to the door.

Liam's POV

I knocked on Zayn's door with two of my knuckles waiting for a response. Today was a big day today so we had no time to dilly dally. I backed up a bit from the door once I heard the knob turn. The door opened and I looked up. "Morning baby " I said softly kissing his cheek earning a small smile. "Morning Li " he replied. " we have a big day ahead of us today so we can't be goofing off " I told him. He nodded. " jus' let me get dressed " he said. With that he walked back in his room and shut the door and I started off down the hall. 

Zayn's POV

Once I was in the room I started to get dizzy. I sighed. I have no time for this. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a white t-shirt along with some black skinny jeans. All of a sudden I felt a cold sweat breake out. I took a few deep breathes but instead it sent me running to the bathroom. Lifting the lid of the toilet seat I kneeled down, gagging as I did. Nothing came up. After 5 minutes of staring into the toilet bowl all of my last nights dinner made its way up my throat, coating the bowl beneath me. I groaned sending up more of my dinner. Once I thought I was done I flushed the toilet, standing up causiously hoping not to fall over. I rinsed my mouth out in the sink and walked back in the room, visibly shaking. I went over to my bed and took my phone out, dialing Liam's number. I put the phone to my ear with a shaky hand. Placing the other hand on my stomach feeling in twist in pain. I heard three rings before he answered.

"Zayn, where are you? Everyone's waiting for you we are going to be late. " I heard Liam say in a harsh tone.

"Liam i- "

"Don't Liam me, cmon Zayn we have loads of stuff to do, you aren't just going to brush it off. " I heard his harsh tone on the other side of the phone. I shut my mouth feeling the bile rise in my throat. "I- " I dropped the phone, bending over, sending up bile onto the now soiled carpet. I felt hot tears down my face. I could hear Liam shouting my name then the line went dead. I took a deep breathe and shut my eyes. Hearing a knock on the door and my name I opened them. Wiping my mouth on the back of my sleeve I walked over to the door sniffling. Shakily I grabbed then knob and pulled it open. Looking up I saw liam standing there with a worried expression. " Zayn! Are you okay? " I shook my head leaning into his chest. I felt his arms around me. "I'm sorry I yelled at you baby, I didn't know you felt ill " I nodded slowly. " cmon let's go get you cleaned up. " He said.  I nodded walking back into the room. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom placing it over the sick. I walked back into the bathroom. Once I was finished getting cleaned up I walked into the room picking up the soiled towel and placed it in the dirty hamper. I closed my eyes feeling rather dizzy. I felt a hand on my back rubbing small circles. I opened my eyes, looking at Liam. He smiled. I gave him a small smile. " why don't we go lie down? " I nodded. He walked us back over to the bed, I climbed in bed wrapping the blankets around me. I watched as he walked into the bathroom hoping for some medicine. He walked out holding a glass of water and a some liquid medicine in a small plastic cup. He set down the glass and handed my the medicine. I downed it quickly grabbing the water, drinking almost half the glass. I set it down watching Liam pick up his phone, what looks like messaging the other boys. I watched him climb in bed wrapping his arms around my shaking body. I leaned into his touch "thank you " I said softly. He nodded. " anything for my sick baby " he smiled as I felt a kiss press to my forehead. Humming as he did, I shut my eyes listening to his soft hums. Eventually I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


Yes, you can hate me for this one. It wasn't as good I'm sorry. I'll do better the next time, but for now should I do a part 2 or no? Xx

Love you guys xx

OneDirection Sick FanfictionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora