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Michaels P.O.V

"Hurry up, we're going to be late!" My mother calls from downstairs."

"Just a second!" I answer.

I sigh looking at the mirror. I am wearing a grey shirt and baggy black jeans. My hair is blue, and like usual... crazy.

I'm trying to stall...

I don't want to meet the new family in our town. They sound pretty weird...

You see, there's a mother, and a son. Not too weird? Well, the mother is normal, but the son, Luke, has problems.

As in problems I mean he can't walk, and he has some depression crap... so he doesn't talk that much. I don't care, I just don't want to meet them. Knowing my mom, I'm going to spend more time with him than his mother, of course. She wants him to make 'friends'.

I slip on my Converse and leather coat and grumble. Why am I so ugly?

Once we arrive, his mother opens the door. She seems kind, her smile is wide and comforting.

"Hello," she says with a high-pitched voice "come in, come in! Make yourselves at home." Both my mother and I thank her.

We walk to their living room couch, which has a strange seat on it. It's very low-leveled and has metal bars on both sides.

His mother must have seen me looking at the seat.

"That's for Luke. He can't sit on these higher seats. It's too difficult for us. He seems to be mad that he can't be a normal, which hurts me because he should accept himself, but he just can't." She sighs. "Sorry if I'm making you both uncomfortable."

"No, it's quite fine." My mother replies.

The lady faces me.

"Oh, yeah it's okay." I say, biting my lip. To be honest, I am starting to feel uncomfortable. Difference makes me uncomfortable, and this is different...

We then sit down, not on the low seat, no doubtingly.

Just then, Luke rolls in on his wheelchair. He seems surprised to see us. Did he even know we were coming?

"Welcome Luke. This is Michael and Mrs. Clifford."

Luke raised a hand, as if he was saying hello.

I nod my head and look down at my feet. My mother then nudges me, giving me the message not to be rude and look up, so I did.

Luke strolls himself to the lower-
chair. It hurts to watch. Knowing he's going to be like this forever makes me want to cry. I just want to get out of here.

He looks sad. That's probably his depression. Why is he depressed? Why doesn't he want to talk from it?

Too many questions... way too many.

I don't listen to my mothers and his mothers conversation. I hear a few words about school, that's all. I don't want to interfere with their conversation, heck I don't even want to talk.

I am staring at a wall, but feel as if someone is watching me. Not a normal watching, but a glaring.

I turn my head to Luke and see that he was the one watching me. It is awkward for him that I caught him, I know because he quickly turned away and his cheeks turned to a light pink. He's blushing.


Now that he's looking away I can study him more without him knowing.

His golden blonde hair is up in a quiff, and he is wearing a top hat. He is also wearing pink socks and a white button-up top. His pants are pretty tight, revealing how small his legs are. Also, he has a black lip ring.

He's not bad looking, and to be honest he's kind of cute. Those pink socks are questionable but I'm not going to bring it up. I then stop looking at him, and look at the wall again.

That's when I realize that all eyes are on me, and Luke is being put on his wheelchair.


That is my mothers voice.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Luke wants to show you his room." She's lying. She wants me to see his room and for me to talk to Luke, not him. I sigh and nod my head.

His mother helps him up the stairs. She looks as if she is struggling, and that maybe she doesn't want me to see him like this. I guess I feel bad and want to help, so I pick up his wheelchair. She smiles and thanks me. Damn it's big and heavy, how can he live with this thing?

Once we reach the top, she puts him in his wheelchair and leads us to his room. The door is pink.

His mother leaves when we get to the door, she probably doesn't want to leave my mother alone downstairs. He looks back at me, looking ashamed. I just keep feeling guiltier... so I give him a smile. He returns with half a smile and opens the door.

His room is very ... pink. His walls have black and pink stripes, his dresser is pink, his bed is pink and the covers are black. Different colors of top hats are lined against a long shelf along his wall, he also has a pink whiteboard with pink markers.

He leads me to the middle of the room, where we just stand/sit there. There is a long silence. It's getting too awkward...

"Well..." I sigh. He seems happy I said anything, and he quickly rolls to the board.

He opens a marker and tries to write something, it was out of ink. He frowns and throws it on the floor, trying another one. It now worked.

"Hi" He writes. I grin and sit on the floor.

"Hello Luke."

He quickly writes, "How are you?"

"I'm doing fine Luke, yet, I'm really tired. It's..." I check my iPhone, "nine at night. So, are you doing good?"

He quickly rolls over to me, grabbing my arm and placing me on a bean bag. He then rolls to his dresser and gets out a blanket, and rolls back to me. Luke then gives me the blanket, smiling, and goes back to the board.

"I'm fine, thank you. I'd be better if I had two working legs and you know... would want to talk. I can't control it." He writes.

I sigh.

"Luke," I lay back, pulling the blanket over me, "you are perfectly normal. Just because both of your legs don't work doesn't mean you should be ashamed. Some people can't even move their whole body. You're very lucky. Also, know that speaking is a very important thing, we're meant to speak. But, you don't need to. It's not something that can affect you. I like voices, they really explain emotions..." shit, do I sound rude? "but once again, you don't need to."

Luke frowns. Then writes again.

"You're right Michael... It's just hard to speak... letting out my emotions might be chaos."

I look at the floor.


"It's okay." I hear a voice say.

(AN- I hope you liked it!!! A special thanks to RainbowClifford123 for the cover!! 😘

So I want to have some comments on the story!! I love your feedback, so please, feel free to leave a comment with some suggestions and ratings.

I've been in writing moods more often now, so that's a good thing. Im hoping I can get at least 40 reads on this chapter! But I'm not that picky.

Thank you so so so much for reading!! It means a lot!!!)

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