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Luke's P.O.V

"Luke, I need you right now."

"W-What happened?!" I stutter.

"Just get me, I know I'm far but I need you. Please, Luke..." he sounds urgent.

"W-Where are y-you?!"

"King Freedom street in P-- Putti City."

"Okay, we'll be there soon. Calum- you heard? Okay, yeah that's where he is. Okay- 2 HOURS?!"

"I know L-Luke just-- come. Please..." He says, sounding as if he's slowly dying. I need to help him.

"Calum, these roads take forever just go through the field." I tell Calum.

"Are you crazy?!" He asks in awe.

"Yes, and I always will be."

I grab the wheel and turn it quickly off the roads.

"OH MY GOD LUKE!" Calum yells.

"Sh." I shush him.

"Luke what are you doing?" Michaels says with some hope in his voice.

"We're getting to you. Turn off your phone, we'll call you when we're near." I say, ending the call.

The bumps on the road make the rabbit squeak louder.

"Oh my god do you have a medkit?"

"I should have one under my seat." He groans, trying to keep the car steadier. I unbuckle reach behind his seat, grabbing it. I grip onto the back seats and drag myself to the trunk, finding the rabbit.

The hoodie is moving rapidly, and blood is starting to seep through.

"Poor little thing." I frown.

It has a deep cut. There's nothing in the medkit that can disinfect it, but I can wrap the bunny.

I slowly wrap the bunny's wound with special material. It stops moving and flenches every time I wrap around again.

The car jolts up and the bunny squeals and the bandage comes off. It starts to run around, sending out more blood through its wound.

"CALUM!" I scream as he stops the car.

"There's a bat under the back seats!" He yells.

"I wouldn't kill it!!"

Calum gets out the car and opens the back. He grabs the bunny and puts it into a puddle and gets back into the car.

"What the hell was that?!" I cry.

"It'll be fine." He shrugs.

And we keep driving.

"Let's play some music." I say, holding in my tears, as I drag myself back to the front seat.

"Hmmm. Falling in Reverse?"

"Oh my God, yes!" I squeal.

Calum puts on I'm Not a Vampire, making me surprised at how amazing his music taste is.

"Well I'm not a vampire but I feel like one!" He starts.

His singing voice is pretty good, you can hear a hint of his Australian accent in it.

This is great, but I'm worried. Very very worried. Michael's in trouble.

He's in lots of trouble...

He- he called me Luke. Not Lukey.

Michael's P.O.V

I hear police sirens every now and then, they're probably searching for me. I don't want to be found, I want to be away; alone. Yes, I'm alone right now, but I mean alone without police sirens or someone looking for me.

There's a stench coming from the garbage bag, smelling of rotten food. Still, I hide behind it. I certainly don't want to get caught.

Maybe they'll be here soon? It's been about an hour or so since I've called...

Luke's P.O.V

We've reached the city and I've texted Michael asking where he is located in the city.

Michael: On the GPS, look up Ben's Burgers. I'm just 2 houses away from that restaurant.

Luke: Okay, be there soon.

I hope.

It's about 5 at night, there's a lot of people and many things open. It'll be hard to find Michael.

"Here we are." Calum points to the restaurant.

"Park, I'll find him."

"Ugh I suck at parallel parking."

We park quite horrifically and I manage to get onto my wheelchair and roll 2 houses away from the restaurant.

No sign of Michael here.

"Did you hear about that kid?" I hear someone whisper to another.

"Yes! They say he disappeared around here." The other hissed.

"Saying he has blue hair and green eyes." Someone gagged.

NO ONE has green eyes and blue hair except... MICHAEL!

I feel shocked and I bite my lip. Disappeared?! What do they mean??

"L-Luke?" I hear a whisper.

I gasp, turning around and seeing someone in a hoodie with the hood covering their identity.

"It's me- Michael."

I grab his hand, not saying a word, and quickly roll to the car. There is no way that anyone should see him. If they think he 'disappeared' what would they do if he's seen?

I push him in the back seat and he grabs my wheelchair, putting it in the back. Then, he lifts me beside him. But why did he do it so forcefully?

Michael pulls back his hood, revealing his wounded face. I gasp and stare at the large, dark purple circle around his red eye. My throat burns and my eyes start to water. I'm crying... This happened to Michael... The innocent, perfect Michael Clifford.

He frowns, shifting his feet uncomfortably. The silence is killing me. The only sound is Calum tapping the wheel and whistling quietly.

I just can't stop looking at his eye. It bothers me so much and I really don't know why. Why Michael? I know you're going through pain, but that doesn't mean I'm not. How did this happen? Does it still hurt?

Michael stops shifting his feet and bites his lip. He's holding back his tears, you can just see how cloudy his eyes are getting.

For a moment there's complete silence. Then, Michael quickly wraps his arms around me. I hug back, frowning. I can feel my shoulder getting wet and whimpers are softly releasing from his mouth.

I feel awful.

"I-I don't want to go back home." He barely says, crying between every word.

"I think I've got an idea where you don't need to." Calum grins.


"We have a guest room, you know? Two beds. They both can be used. Depending on Luke's choice."


AN - I haven't updated in FOREVER. I'm so sorry </3 I will update every single week. You may get mad at me if I don't. :-)

Check out my other story, Boy With the Red Folder. It's another Muke fanfic.

Have a good day my lovelies. ❤️


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