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Ya'll will LOVE this chapter.



Michael's P.O.V

"Someone looks loves truck today." Calum says in a mocking tone.

"Shut up Calum." I groan, pushing him away from me.

"Does someone finally decide they like Lukey Poo?"

"That nickname is lame."

"I know but bare with me." Calum pouts.

"Maybe, just maybe I like Luke."

"Don't say maybe you bastard." Calum laughs, booping my nose. "You do like him, and it's getting more and more obvious."

"Well." I sigh, "Looks like it's time to go see him..."

"Okay, I'll drive!" Calum smiles, running to the car easily, since we're awkwardly standing outside of his apartment.

We're going to a high school party. Nothing more and nothing less.

"So, do you think there's going to be alcohol?" Calum asks as we pull out of the crowded driveway.

"Calum, it's a high school party, why wouldn't they?"

"Good question. I wish Ashton could come, though. It won't be the same."

"He has work, and you know that."

"Yeah, I know." Calum mumbles.


"This is the house?" Luke gasps, looking at the large, lit up house scattered with solo cups and sleeping teenagers. Music is being blasted through speakers, sadly, I don't know exactly what they're playing, but it sounds pretty cool.

"This is it." Calum grins, pulling into an empty spot.

"Oh God, what if no one likes me?" Luke whines, looking up at me.

"They'll love you, who wouldn't?"

Before Calum leaves the car, he mumbles something under his breath which sounded like 'muke af' which makes absolutely no sense, but I'll just go with it.

"I'll help you out, okay?" I smile, facing Luke.


Opening the car door, I help Luke onto his wheelchair, pushing him with Calum beside me.

"Mikey..." Luke says in a hushed tone, making me smile at the old nickname.

"Yes Lukey?"

"Can I push myself, please."


"I don't want to look weak."

I swear that everyone in the house heard my heart break in a million pieces.


"These drinks are like... drinking gold!" Luke giggles, rocking back in forth at his now alcohol covered wheelchair.

"Y-Yeah! Best I've had!" I yell out, moaning at the burning sensation in the back of my throat.

"Hey, Michael?!"

"Yeah babe?!"

"Do you know how much I love you?!"

"No, how much do you love me?!" I slur as we shout back to one and other.

"I would fuck you till your ass filled with blood!"


"Yes really!"

Everyone in the kitchen watches in amusement at our serious and drunken conversation.

"Wouldn't I top, though!?" I shout.

"I guess, since my legs are useless!"

"Michael! I can hear you over the fucking music in the other room! Stop making everyone uncomfortable!" Calum groans as he walks into the kitchen.

"What!?" I shout.

"I think we should go." Calum says, shaking his head.

"Why?!" Luke screams.

"You guys are being weird and also, if we stay here longer you'll drink more and feel like shit in the morning!"

Groaning, Luke and I follow him outside, having the breeze cool down our sweaty bodies.

"You guys are sleeping in separate rooms. I want you guys to remember your first fuck or kiss, cause I regret not remembering mine with Ashton." Calum frowns, shoving us into the back of car. Then, he sits in the front, putting in the keys.

"Also we have food at my- MICHAEL!" Calum screams as I lean in to kiss Luke, but I'm then pulled back by Calum.

"No!" I scream, trying to shove him away.

"I want him to kiss me, Calum!" Luke yells.

"You guys can't kiss! What did I tell you?!"

"Luuukeeeyyyyyyyyyy." I slur into a groan.

Luke leans forwards, barely away from my face.

"No!" Calum groans, shoving his hand onto Luke's face and pulling him away.

"Looks like Michael is sitting in the front with me."

Calum drags me to the passenger seat, putting on my seatbelt. When he's outside, I lock the doors, remembering the keys are still in the car.

Calum screams and hits the window with both his fists, but I don't bother to notice, I'm more focussed on Luke and I's lips on each other, moving in sync.


AN: yes, yes, yes.

Calum: No NO NO

XD I love this chapter. Oh my god Calum is like daddy. And yah first kiss aye.


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