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Michael's P.O.V

Lukes head is resting on my shoulder as we drive home. Soft snores escape his lips, making me mentally ️Awe. He's so cute- no, just stop Michael. He is not cute, no.

"We'll be there in a few. Say, we should order some pizza!" Calum says excitedly.

"That would be great." Luke whispers, smiling.

I thought he was asleep?

"I wake up when I hear the word pizza. Just me." He says as if he's reading my mind.

"Pepperoni?" Calum asks.

"God yes!" I cheer.

"Any. Even spinach pizza!" Luke squeals, making everyone go silent.

"W-What's wrong w-with spinach p-p-pizza?" He asks, stuttering.

Calum and I break down laughing. He's so innocent, and so funny without even trying.

"God Luke!! Way to ruin my appetite!" Calum chuckles.

"Spinach pizza is damn good and you know it." Luke sneers, catching me by surprise. His personality just took a sharp turn.

"Someone is quite protective over his pizza." Calum teases, sticking out his tongue.

"Hell yeah I am." Luke giggles, cuddling to my chest, making my face turn a light pink.

"Michael, are you blushing?" Calum mocks.

"N-No!" I gasp, quickly turning my head out of view.

"I smell lies."

"Calum." I groan, face palming myself.

"One cannot smell lies." Luke says in a deep, sexy voice. Making me feel strange.

"That voice reminded me of puberty!" Calum laughs.

"PEAAUUU-U-UBERTTTTEEEE!!" Luke says out loud, making his voice crack.

All of us are dying of laughter, and Calum barely has any control of the car.

"C-Calum! S-S-Stop laughing!!" I barely say.

"O-OKAY!! T-that wasn't funny anyways." He brushes it off, totally lying.


I'm sitting at Calum's kitchen table, next to Luke. We're eating our pizza and talking about stupid things we've done in our lives.

"That's when Calum accidentally ran into me with the cart and I fell on the soup cans, causing them all to fall off the shelf." Ashton giggles. He's talking about the time when Calum tried to impress him, but made a huge mess and embarrassed himself.

"Ashton!! That wasn't funny!" Calum sheepishly states.

"Oh yes it was! Besides the fact I ended up with a huge bruise on my side!"

"Do you have a funny story?" Calum asks me.

"Well..." Sad to say, I don't have many, because I actually never had many friends. "I guess when it was my birthday, I blew out the candles before my family could sing happy birthday. They relit them and I blew them out again, cluelessly."

Everyone stared at me as if I was stupid. I know, that was a stupid story. And yes, I don't have any cool stories that would make you laugh your ass off. Or even stories about me being ridiculous with guy friends, considering I had none.

Luke lets out a small snort and breaks out laughing, causing Ashton and Calum to laugh along. How are they even laughing? This story is shit.

"You're so clueless Michael!" Ashton chuckles.

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