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Hi!! I love the songs try hard and out of my limit (also wherever you are... daylight... ETC) okay I love all of 5sos's songs mk.

Unedited, sorry.

Luke's P.O.V

"You wouldn't be Luke."

I turn my head to the familiar voice that I've been wanting to hear in weeks,


"M-Michael?!" I gasp as he runs towards the bed, jumping on top of me for a hug.

All my air is pushed out by his weight, yet I don't care.

Grabbing onto his shirt and squishing him against me, he rests his head on my shoulder and has his long arms rapped around my slender torso.

"G-God Luke, I'm s-s-o sorry I left."

"N-No, don't be, M-Michael."

"I missed you..."

"I missed you so much more."

Tears begin to fall down my cheeks and small whimpers escape my lips.

"L-Luke don't c-cry you're going to make me cry."

"I can't keep t-them in."

Soon, both of us are in tears. I never knew how much I've missed Michael. And now, I do know. I've missed him more than anything I've missed before.


"Don't make me go on the swing again." I giggle as I look up at Michael rolling my wheelchair.

"Maybe I won't, maybe I will."

"When does the bus come today?" I ask as Michael changes direction to the bus stop instead of the park.

"It says... 12 PM. We have about 10 minutes, only."

"Then maybe we should wait here and catch up on each other's lives?"

"Sounds alright to me." Michael smiles, sitting on the bench with me across from him.

"So, anything change?" I ask, biting my lip.

"I-I got a cat." For some reason, Michael seems frustrated.

"Oh my god! What does it look like?" I gasp, now playing with my lip ring.

"It's o-o-orange... green eyes."

Nodding, I stop playing with my lip ring and focus more on Michael. Strangely, he lets out a sigh of relief and relaxes his shoulders which used to be held up in a shrug.

"Is it loud?" I smile, remembering the time when I had a cat which would never shut up.

"No, actually. It's really quiet, except when there's food around."

"Sounds like a cat." I laugh.

"Would you like to meet it after we go shopping?"

"Yes!! That'll be so much fun, I love cats!"

"And also, what would you like to shop for at the mall?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

"I'd like to get some more skinny jeans and plaid tops! They also have this part of the store with amazing perfumes!"


"Yes! I love the One Direction perfumes!"

"So you like perfume? What about axe?"

"I'm not into strong smells. I like light and sweet smells. Ones you could smell all day without flenching at how overpowering and dominant it is."

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