The World and its Rules

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Do you need to read this? Nah. All the rules below are revealed over time in the books. In fact, to start the story, jump to 'Goddess Interruptus'. The next two sections are onetime, getting started kinds of things too.

I wrote this section because Evolved Vampires are different from Magical Vampires. Some things are the same. Vampires can seduce at will. How they do that? Not the same. Etc.

Some Evolved Vampire world rules:

Absolutely No Hunting Human Women. Bad Vampire.

Vampire women are hard on the tiny number of Vampire men if they hunt, seduce, and most importantly, bite human women. Deadly hard. You hunt them. We kill you really hard.

Vampires are a matriarchy. Female Vamps outnumber male Vamps by thousands to one. Hunting human women? Absolutely not allowed.

If you are a male Vampire and you use hunting scent on or bite a human woman? You better have a damn good reason. See Conclave for more on that.

Bodices are Safe

Vampires don't wear bodices, so anything resembling bodice ripping is a Vampire in a hurry to get to the good parts contained therein. It is canon that muumuus are deeply hated and ripped to shreds. That is explained later in the series.

Evolved Vampires. Vampire Capabilities. No Spinny Eyes or Bats.

Vampires are not magical. They evolved. Vampires can still do most of the things that Vampires are supposed to be able to. They can, for example, mesmerize a human. They are the apex predator. They don't use magic: They use pheromones, AKA Hunting Scent. Same result: The human is going to give it all up to the Vampire. "You want me naked? Here OK? Now? Please now? Yes, I know we are on a bus..."

Vampire fangs can inject hypnotics, called 'Juice'. Once the human has given the Vampire what she wants, they can be made to forget it ever happened. Hey: A girl's got needs (besides blood) but Vampires aren't homewreckers you know!

Think Sodium Thiopental, amped up to 11 but with a less barbiturate effect. Stir in some Ativan, GHB, Rohypnol, Ketamine. Season with Alcohol to taste. You are in the area of Juice. An evolved hypnotic beyond anything currently in medical science.

Be glad of that. That stuff is dangerous. You will get naked, have sex with someone you do not know, and then forget it ever happened.

"Honey? Did you have sex with that woman?"

"No. Never met her."

... and that will be completely true for you, even though you screwed like bunnies in a stall of the movie theater ladies' room not thirty minutes ago.

Did you actually have sex with a Vampire if you can't remember it?

Can Juice happen? Sure. Think THC/CBD for pain. Non-addictive. Effective. Not narcotic. Etc. A plant evolved that!

Can chemicals control minds? Absolutely. Brains are biochemical, and humans are always messing with that for fun. Research shows that a human's Biota can influence the way humans think. Change what, when, and how they eat. There are examples all over the animal world of hitchhiking organisms taking over the host and making them do things against their better interest.

Evolution Loves the Ladies

Vampires are overwhelmingly women. The thing that changes them into Vampires (in 'Erasure and Affirmation' you will learn about the VMC) prefers XX over XY. It's a genetic 'lock and key'.

Vampires are far stronger than humans. Typically four to five times. Some even six. Not right away. After a turn, it takes time. Muscles polymerize. The skeleton absorbs metals. Etc.

Male Vampires are super rare (when they even survive the turn or being on Parole), and have about half the physical capabilities of the females. If a female Vampire can lift a Volkswagen, a male one will have to settle for lifting a Harley Davidson. Full dress street cruisers are not light! You pick one up. Not tilt. Up. Off the ground. Try it. Even the male ones are capable. Females? They will hurt you. If they want.

Of course, you'll probably be naked on the ground begging for sex, so maybe you won't care?

One in a Million

Vampires are rare.

They do not recruit

They have no control over who turns from a bite

Also? Turn Speed: You do not bury someone and have them hatch out at midnight. A bite randomly causes a turn. Since it is a complete rewrite of DNA, the body does not instantly become Vampire. A new vampire does not wake up with dirt in their face and fully fanged. It takes time. Faster at first, but always changing as every atom on one's body is slowly replaced over time.

There is a coma and then the journey begins.

Forever Young

Vampires can live many thousands of years.

Being a Vampire means you have extra genetic checks and balances humans do not have. Updates the immune system to suit Vampire needs, one of which is to live far into the future.

When you drink blood to get supplemental nutrition, you need a bodacious immune system. Do not try that at home.

Vampires perpetually look to be about twenty-five years old. Balanced between growing up and starting the long slope down. When you are a Vampire in need of a drink, it helps to look young. Even if you are 1200 years old. Makes it easier to get a guy in close for a nice neck chomping, often but not always followed by a good carnal romping.

When you are eternally twenty-five, you have needs.

Vampires Have Needs

Vampires do not have to drink from necks exclusively. This is the introduction, so we aren't going to get kinky here. Vampires do not kill when they can avoid it: the whole point of how they evolved is to leave their supplemental food supply intact. To have the humans be clueless as to Vampire existence.

Vampire ladies who have a solid romp with the human man of their choice de jour are supposed to erase that memory. No need to be a homewrecker. If he was good, might be worth another round later though.

The price of eternal youth is eternal horniness.

Sidebar: Being Vampire does not change orientation. You are a lady Vampire that liked ladies before, as a human? You do after, as a Vampire. The problem is? You can't drink from human women. Forbidden.

You can hunt a male for blood, and a woman for sex.

If you are gay or bi though? Most all the other Vampires are women. Why bother with human women. They are much more breakable.

Not Bats

Vampires do not fly (not counting inside planes), and cannot turn into bats. Their eyes do not glow.

Strong Women are Strong

Zero strong women are falling for bad boys. A good-looking human man is a meal and a bit of fun. No point in getting involved with a guy that will only live a few decades. To do otherwise is a recipe for heartache.

OK: Maybe Vampires are kind of trash at that rule sometimes. But they were only human.

The main boy is a bit of an iconoclast. He is emotionally strong too, even though at the start of this book he is having a bad breakup moment.

Breakups are hard, I don't care who you are.

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