Court Time!: March

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March didn't change anything.The court date keeps changing. Is this ever going to happen? I admit, this time it was my fault, but I had a college obligation and my schooling/future is more important than your shenanigans. My lawyer changed the court date once again and the notice came out: April 5th at 10 a.m.. My stomach is doing flip flops. Are you actually going to take it that far? Are we actually going to end up in court?

My lawyer, the doll he is, tried reaching out to your lawyer several times. We don't actually want to waste the judge's time with this clear cut nonsense. We want to figure out a plea deal. I also don't want to see you, your sister, or her boyfriend. Just the thought of seeing everyone has me physically ill and spacing out at work. This whole situation is a mental nightmare. Leading up to the last several false alarm dates, I've lost sleep, I've freaked out, I've had anxiety attacks, I've lashed out, and I've shut down. It's a roller coaster of emotions. To this day I still cannot talk about the whole situation without crying and shaking. Is that sad? I mean, how would you react to seeing the people who made your life an absolute hell for nine days? The last week I spent with you was the the worst week ever. I spent countless hours crying and lying awake, making sure you weren't sneaking out of the room to see your ex. And the thought of her coming into our room! The door having no lock just made me feel less protected. That flimsy plastic started an argument the Friday after I was diagnosed. She listened in on a private conversation that you started, but yelled at me for saying her name. And you took her side even though you started it! I didn't want to talk about her but you wanted to know why she kept leaving the house despite being Covid positive.

Knowing the door was thin, I take joy in at least knowing that I was purposefully loud while we were having sex. I hope she heard everything. Was it satisfying, yes but not in the way everyone might have thought. I never got off, but I sure played the part! Years of high school theater helped me out. Intentionally making you horny every night was another perk. You were bored, I was bored. It was easy to get you excited. At least I could to make sure she knew we had a good sex life. She would get my sloppy seconds less than a day after I had them.

Did I really want sex while I was sick with Covid? No! I was sick and miserable. I couldn't smell and honestly wasn't even turned on. I just wanted her to know I was still screwing you and she wasn't yours. Not yet at least.

I wonder if you treat Chelsea like you did me. Is that why she broke up with you originally?

Now, we'll see what you, the douchebags, and your lawyer say in April! Let's keep with the 'fuck you' mood and repeat 'abcdefu' for March. 

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