Let's Hear it From The Other Side

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Let's start with your sister, who is seated at the Defendant's table beside your lawyer. 

Did you ever enter take a personal loan out from the Plaintiff? No.

Blah blah blah. A bunch of other lies regarding supposedly never borrowing money from me. I never requested money from Plaintiff. I never this...I never that... Time for the cross-examine.

Now, sister of my ex, my lawyer asked if the documents (P 1 and P 2) were valid and what they were. You happily admitted they were screenshots of the $2,000 I sent you for the apartment, proof you received the money, the outstanding bill owed to the property management group, and proof you used those funds to pay for the outstanding bill. You really couldn't lie considering the documents all contained your name, your number, and your email, and I already testified that those documents were as you restated. Why did you mention that I only gave you the money on May 23rd and therefore were only able to pay on May 24th? That's not relevant. We can all see the dates and the date the loan was sent to me from the bank. Remember the loan you three bullied me into getting? Yeah. That. Let's see what your brother has to say now regarding the case.

(Oh I'm so glad you are sitting in the back of the room, but just hearing your voice fills me with anxiety and hatred. Hello ex! Let's see those lips move.)

I purchased gifts for her such as flowers and I also paid for food. 

Do you have any documentation and receipts for these purchases? 


Who paid for food when you went out?

If it was something like fast food, Plaintiff would pay but I would pay if we went out to eat.

(Congrats! We went on one date to a restaurant and then Covid hit and we never went on another restaurant date again. Want me to show you the PayPal and GrubHub receipts for all the orders I placed for our food while we were together?)

Referring to P 9 and P 10, is that the phone Plaintiff purchased for you?


(I already testified that he agreed to pay me back and P 14 and P 15 were notices of his failure to respond and therefore agreement to owing me the funds so my lawyer didn't bother asking about that.)

Do you have the phone currently on your person in court today?


No further questions.

(Your lawyer continued asking you questions and you repeated verbatim what your sister said. We could all tell you were coached, just saying. Time to continue the cross-examine and watch you bury yourself.)

Did you ever recall telling the Plaintiff to "Add it to your tab"?

Yes, but that was just a running joke between us.

Did she ever show you a document she was using to keep track of the tab?

No, she didn't.

(Liar. I did. I showed it to you several times. According to you, that's the reason we broke up.)

Can you please tell me what P 14 and P 15 are?

(Here is the cost break down to jog your memory. Caught in a lie.)

Those are documents I received from Plaintiff through email and in the mail. 

Did you send Plaintiff any type of response to these letters before court today?


No further questions. 

(If I could have the recordings from the courtroom I would make this my new ringtone. Hearing you admit that you never responded to me made me so happy. You just buried yourself.)

(Next up was your sister's boyfriend. He didn't say anything the judge hadn't heard before. He just repeated the statement regarding never agreeing to pay me back and never agreeing to a payment plan.)

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