The Testimony Heard Around The Room

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Plaintiff (P) 1-15. These documents include the letters I sent to you, your sister, and her boyfriend regarding all the money you owe me. The letters also include PayPal transactions from the personal loan you and your sister took, the money I sent you for the AirPods, the transaction regarding the game I purchased for you during quarantine, and the receipt for the phone I bought for you. You brought it to court, too! Lovely! So happy to hear! You did tell me to add it onto your tab that Saturday I moved out and brought your knife bag to work for you. I wonder what the judge will think of that.

My testimony was easy. All I had to do was explain the documents I provided as evidence. Now, what is your lawyer's fixation with the lease and the reason I left the property? Despite what you may have told him, I did not leave voluntarily. He sure wanted to know why I left and kept claiming it was voluntarily because you three never evicted me. Does the abuse you and the others inflicted on me emotionally and mentally give me a reason to stay in the hell hole? I couldn't eat or sleep or even leave the bedroom without getting laughed at or looked at with a snide, sarcastic look. I had to use the downstairs restroom cause you were taking a two-hour shit in the upstairs one and they started snickering and pointing at me. I couldn't even eat because they were always downstairs in the main living areas or right outside our bedroom. I missed classes and struggled to complete assignments because of the stress and lack of sleep. I cried in the attic for hours the night you told me you would prefer her over me (two days before the breakup).  Then you had the audacity to scream at me for crying like a normal human being! Were you seriously mad at me for following your explicit demands for me to leave you alone? 

Let's be real. If I stayed in that three-bedroom house, where would my bed be? In the baby's room? In your sister and her boyfriend's room? In the room we once shared? In the sweltering or freezing attic connected to the bedroom? Where? Please explain. 

Regardless. The judge ruled in favor of my lawyer's objection and the entire dynamic of the room changed. I could tell your lawyer's entire case was based on the reason I left, the reason being voluntary, and the lease. The only documentation he brought was a copy of the lease that even I could have provided if my lawyer thought it was relevant.

Here's the relevant detail of the documentation you clearly never showed your lawyer. 

Actual line taken from P 14 and P 15: If I do not receive a written response from you,I will assume that you are both agreeable to this arrangement to take care of the debts that you have previously acknowledged owing me.

Yes, I have proof of you receiving these documents in the form of email and certified mail.  Also, my lawyer specifically asked me to read this aloud in court. Having said that....

Let's see what you are going to say in your testimonies. 

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