6. Friends

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Oh, fuck. So this is what happened. She got her heart broken a year ago. That's why she disappeared. That's why she's changed so much. She must have been so fucking madly in love if it broke her like that. She must have been devasted. "I'm sorry I asked, Rose."

"It's n-not your f-fault." And now she's stuttering again. I was over the fucking moon earlier because the more comfortable she felt with me, the less she stuttered. She even said multiple sentences without a single stutter. But I've fucked that up with my big mouth too. Watching her put her guard back up squeezes at my heart.

"I won't ask more about it, Rose. Don't worry." I say softly and she gives me half a smile.

"You can if you want to. I d-don't keep secrets, remember?" She briefly looks at me and the water in her eyes makes me want to find the bastard who broke my angel's heart and break his bones.

"That doesn't mean some things aren't uncomfortable for you to talk about. We promised to be honest, but I'd be a dick if I use that against you now." She looks at me with disbelief and I give her my sincerest smile. "You can tell me whenever you feel like it, Rose. Or not tell me at all if you don't want to. It's up to you. Always."

She smiles at me again, the kind of smile that fills my heart with warmth and I realize we're back at her dorm now. We silently walk to her room and I almost curse the night for ending so quickly.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I can't help but ask as she takes out the key and she freezes before turning back around to face me. This time she's the one who holds eye contact and I find myself so helplessly lost in those gray irises I've spent days and nights thinking about.

"You're a really nice person, Maddox. I'm breaking my own rules and making an assumption here, and I hope to god I'm not wrong about this. But I'd really like to be your friend." She swallows and it pains me to see her so scared of admitting just a simple emotion.

"I'd really like that too." I admit, even though my heart still longs for something much more precious than a friendship. But I'll take what I can fucking get when it comes to Rose. "I'd be honored to be your friend."

"I'll see tomorrow morning then. Goodnight, Maddox." She smiles one last time before going inside and shutting the door, locking it after.

Fuck, I love it when she calls me that. And I love that only she can. And I love how she just said tomorrow morning, which means she wants to at least have a conversation with me before or after our lecture.

I should ask for her number again tomorrow. And I should bring her a coffee with me. But I don't know what type of coffee she drinks. She could be a tea person. Fuck, I'll have to ask her about that later. I'll bring her a cupcake. Everyone loves cupcakes. Yeah, that's the plan.


"You're finally back!" Ty's loud voice bursts my ear drums once I walk into our dorm room. "What took you so fucking long? I'm dying here."

The shit eating grin on my face must be a telltale sign that the night went well because he suddenly grins back. "It was perfect, man. She's fucking perfect."

"Tell me everything." He grabs a pillow, hugs it and gives me his undivided attention. And so I do.

Glaring at me, he throws his pillow at my head and I frown. "What the fuck was that for?"

"You friendzoned yourself, you fucking moron. Why the fuck would you tell her you were in love with another woman? Are you insane?" He starts pacing, running his hand through his blond hair and I wince.

"I know I fucked up at that part, but it kinda just slipped out. I'll fix it, don't worry. Besides, all she's interested in right now is friendship. I'll be her friend for as long as she needs me to. And if she ever gets ready for more, I'll drop hints that she's the woman I was talking about."

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