Chapter one

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Today was a special day,it was your seven-months anniversary beeing an official Avenger.Steve and nat threw a party,of course.No matter what had happend,steve and nat where the first ones to organize a party-and tony would always agree. Sometimes it kinda annoyed you,even if it was just a small gala.Not because of the many people you didn't know,or the cleaning afterwards,more the many reporters that actually snook into the tower-successfully.

You didn't like beeing around people that much,you were more a person to spend the weekend with your friends only watching movies or playing video games. It's not like you aren't able to socialise,you just don't like introducing yourself to new people or standing up for yourself.

You stood in the living room,listening to your best friend nat,who was telling you about the fact that you're already an avenger for 7 months straight now.
"Y/N,you have to go say something!" she said,with a slightly exciting voice. "What am i even supposed to say?" you answered, "talk about my amazing Superhero life?" Nat new that it was your sarcasm that made you you,So she just ignored your comment and pointed to the middle of the room.

You really didn't wanna go,but what kind of a choice did you have? Steve had threatened you this morning,that if you wouldn't come with him as it is your anniversary party,he would never watch a single movie with you again.To avoid this drama,You made your way trough the crowd and started talking. "Hello people. As you all know,i am an official avenger for exactly 7 Months now,and i am absolutely grateful for this job." you stuttered. "These people aren't just co worker's for me,they're my family.I love you all." You started raising your glass of over expensive whine for every name you called. "Nat,Tony,Steve,Sam,clint,wanda,thor...And Barnes."

as soon as you said his name,you caught steve and nat looking extremely confused in your direction. You and barnes didnt have the best relationship,it was the complete opposite of something good. you hated eachother,you used to hate eachother. Barnes became an avenger a few months before you,and since you're a part of this you didn't really talk to eachother. He has always been rude out of nowhere,so you felt the strong urge to answer rude too. It wasn't like he left the room as soon as he saw you,you just sort of ignored eachother to avoid drama.

"thanks",you softly said,while everyone started to applause.You walked over to the couch barnes sat on,holding a glass of whine in his metal hand. You just sat there next to him with as much space as possible on a couch,all in silence,when all of sudden he started talking.

Heart over mind | Bucky barnesWhere stories live. Discover now