chapter eight

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Bucky came back into the living room,spending all his attention to his book. He knew you're the only one who could've read it,i mean clint doesn't read at all,nat,steve and bruce were on a mission,thor was doing some stuff outside and tony was who the fuck know's where so you were the only option. He was curious,so he sat down,opening his book.

He noticed that you put the bookmark on the page you must've stopped at,and yes,you highlighted some things too. Suddenly,Bucky started reading out the lines. "I need you,i need you in my life." he read,as if he's some kind of shakespeare actor.
You sat own your bed when you heard bucky's voice again. Not even 10 minutes,and he already found a way to get your attention again.
You opened your door and walked into the living room, asking bucky, "hey,what-what are you reading there..?" he still didn't look up from the book. "Well,only your tought's i guess." he said,holding the book up so you could see it.

You directly covered your face with your hands out of embarrassment,which made bucky smirk a little. "oh gooooood." You groaned,turning your back at bucky,ready to literally melt at the spot. "i didn't know you like books,miss Y/L/N." He said,sarcastically as always.
"same over here." you responded.
"well,i'm 106 years old,isn't that like.. kinda obvious? back then i couldn't just turn on netflix and watch a movie." he finnished that sentence with a little laughter.

There was it again,your tingling eye contact. This time none of you would try to break it,but tony did. Trough the speakers he called out bucky,he would need bucky to pick up Bruce because he lost himself in a weird forest during the mission. nat and steve were almost here,but bruce.. Is just bruce you know.
"well.. cya." Bucky smiled at you,which made you smile back immediately.

when bucky walked into tony's office,you got some cereal and fresh coffee. You didn't sleep last night due to bucky only beeing there,that's why that one cup of coffee changed into 4 in half an hour.

You heard the elevator opening,Hoping to see your friends again. you left your empty cup on the counter and walked over to the elevator.
"Nat!!" You shouted,pulling your best friend into the tightest hug you could. It was only a week,but you missed her and her presence so much,same as steve. "Y/N!! gooosh i missed you!" nat answered. You slightly hugged steve,And walked them up to their rooms. ofcourse you were going into nat's,as she's your best of the best friends you had.

"and,what's been up girl?" You excitedly asked nat. "Nothing really much,just an old boring mission,and banner you know.but what about you? anything Special?" she asked. You didn't wanna tell her about bucky,not as long as you didn't knew either what was going on. "no,not really. i mean well,barnes and i grew a little on eachother. We don't hate us anymore but i still don't really like him tho." You lied. "uhh,so the normal stuff." nat groaned.
"well,imma let you pack out your stuff for now." you said,hugging nat once again. "we'll do something later,promise me!!" nat said. "I promise."

As you walked out of nat's room,you saw bucky leaving tony's office. "and,what's been up?" you asked,walking him to the elevator. "well,banner lost himself in a fucking forest,i can't believe it." he responded. "usually for banner. and don't you wanna greet steve?"
"well,i texted with him the whole time so there's not really a need to do that."
"bye,take care of yourself."you said,as the iron doors of the elevator closed behind bucky's face.
"i will,doll."

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