chapter two

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"didn't think you would mention me up there"Barnes mumbled,still facing his glass of whine. "Me neither." you replied with a rude voice. These were the first words you had spoken to each other in a week,but you already had enough. You got up and mixed under the crowds of people filling the tower.

It was now already 10pm,everyone already got home.
You had already headed to your room too,as you were totally tired from the long day.You put on your pj's,and tried to sleep.It may sounds easy to go to sleep with your bed facing the big window with a newyork skyline sight,but it was everything but that. Your room was the last one on the corridor,and right next to you was barnes'.It wasnt any snorring or similar that kept you awake,it was his loud music just randomly playing in the middle of the night. you hated the fact that you couldn't sleep,especially when there was a big mission the next day,but you always had to admit that his music taste wasn't bad.

You tried again and again,but nothing would help.
„shut up!!" you shouted,Pressing your pillow against your face.You had absolutely enough,so you just came up with the decision taking a hot shower would probably relax you a bit. As you walked by barnes' room,you banged on the white wooden door a few times. Not to get in of course,just to give this dickhead a little sign to Turn off the goddamn music.

After you had finnished your shower of 20 minutes,
you were going back to your room in a slow speed just to notice that nothing had changed with the loud music. You got so angry,you just yelled „Barnes!" and slammed his door open.Not even 10 seconds within you directly covered your eyes right away,seeing barnes kinda making out with a girl on his bed. „Oh my god i'm so sorry!" you shouted,Slowly going out of the room and closing the door.

You felt such a weird feeling,not disgusted but also OF COURSE not turned on or something. You held your hand in front of your mouth,beeing shocked by the situation you just brought yourself into.

Just because of this dumb music,why couldn't i just stay the fuck out??

you thought to yourself. A few minutes later you still stood there kinda shocked,you didn't even know why you were that shocked.Maybe because you had never run inside on a making out couple in the middle of the night. you heard the squeaking door open behind you and the girl left,holding her shirt in her hands.You exchanged a confusing look. „Bye"you said,trying to sound as nice as probably possable in such a situation.I mean it was already weird enough that you still stood there a couple of minutes later you thought.

„i'm out!!" She responded with a mad voice. Still in shock you got back to your room and closed the door.
just another one night stand,of course.
he didn't have those often,maybe it was like 2 times yet.

you crawled back into your bed,in a kind of sitting position,placing the warm blanket on top of you. Turning on netflix was one of the things you prefer to do,When this dumbass woulnd't shut his music down.All of sudden you heard a knock on your door,which was weird cause no one really knocks in this tower. „Come in",you softly said.

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