chapter nine

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did bucky freaking barnes just call me „doll"?
you couldn't stop thinking about that,why did he have to call you „doll"? as questioning as it was to you,you slightly enjoyed it. Well not jusz slightly,You really did. It gave you the tingle in your stomach again,but this time 10 times harder. Out of that,you even blushed as he said that.

You hung around with nat the whole time,doing the ‚girls talk' kind of stuff,but the situation with bucky still stayed in your head.
You tried to ingore it,but you knew it wouldn't last,and you also didn't wanna ask bucky about it.

„so uh,what's been up with barnes?" Nat asked.
Why did she had to be so curious?
well,like i told you. It's not like were talking more than once a week or something,we just don't ignore eachother completely. Still hate him tho." You said,scratching the back of your head. „Are you sure?" Nat responded,giving you one of those „i know you're lying but i'm still confused" looks.
what was she talking about? did she see anything? did bucky tell steve who told her? why would bucky tell them anything? was i that important to him?
thoughts were running trough your head,question over question.

You looked at the floor,as you and nat sat on the ground,looking confused. „Y/N..?" Nat asked you. You looked up to her again,raising your eyebrows.
„What do you m-mean?"
„well,it didn't sound like you only talk once a week,or still don't like eachother."
„what? what did you hear?"
„well clint told me something."
fucking clint.
„what did he tell you?"
„He told me about your little ‚game' with your door this morning. He said you looked like you've known eachother for years." Nat akwardly admitted.

„Well,Maybe." You knew now you would tell her about that,but not about last night,not about bucky's nightmare,not about that one feeling.
„So he came to my room to ask me if i need to go the bathroom cuz he wanted to take a shower." You lied to your best friend,but you knew it was for the best until you knew what was happening with you and bucky.

„Why didn't you tell me right away??" nat said,punching you slightly into your shoulder.
„i don't know,was kinda akward i guess. But that was also the first time we've done something ‚nice' together." you said to nat.
„maybe it will continue,and you will understand eachother better." Nat tried to sound nice,but she could see that you looked kinda uncomfortable as she said that. Of course only for the ‚show',you knew how comfortable you felt around bucky.

„yeah we'll see." You said,standing up from the floor as Nat did. She got a phone call from yelena,Saying that she wants to meet her sister as soon as possible. "Well,sorry Y/N. Lets talk later?" She tried to apologize,as she opened the door. "It's fine,have fun with yel!" you said,giving nat a slightly hug and waving goodbye.
As soon as nat left,you decided to change your clothes and go to the gym. You grabbed your bottle of water and your earpods,and walked over to the elevator. You didn't need to walk much or anything,as the tower has its own gym. When you came there,you put your bottle next to the first treadmill you saw,and started walking. You would always run 5 miles every morning,which you kinda ‚forgott' in the past days. Over all you ate pretty healthy always,it's not like your vegan or something but you loved to eat healthy and help your body with that.

You walked a little more,like around half an hour,when suddenly,a pretty familiar face walked into the gym.

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