chapter three

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„Hey,i-" Of course it was barnes,the person you wanted to see least right now. „I get it barnes,i ruined your pleasure. You can leave now." You interrupted him,not looking up from your screen.

„I actually wanted to apologise for the music,i just didn't want you to hear anything." He said,with an understanding grinn in his face.
what? am i dreaming? is this real?
you just couldn't imagine bucky fucking barnes ever apologising for something.
„What?" you asked. „Bucky freaking barnes can apologise?" You tried to sound very sarcastic,which probably didn't work as barnes rolled his eyes at you.

Still annoyed,he mumbled „anyways,i wont bring any girls home the next time,and sorry again for the music." He left the room quietly,leaving you questioning if he's really the rude asshole he always seems to be. You were still confused with the situation that had happend,as you have never seen him saying anything nice in these 7 months. maybe he wasn't that bad,and maybe he just showed you a side of him he always refused to show anyone. Maybe it had something to do with his past as the winter solidier,you just don't know.

A couple of minutes later you heard the music turning off,which led you to the decision to just go to sleep now,i mean you can't sleep well every night but netlfix is always there right?

The next morning you got up pretty early,still in mind what had happend yesterday. You just couldn't stop thinking about it,and there was this one thought that's been going trough your head all morning: if i go out there now,will i talk to the rude asshole that never smiles or similar,or will the charming,nice and grown up bucky greet me?

You put your soft slippers on,and brushed your hair a little. You tried to just walk past barnes' room even tho you were a little curios,but you couldn't just walk by. His door was opened a little,and you couldn't help but take a look. Barnes wasn't in there,but it suprised you a little that his bed,planket and pillow still had the same position and Were exactly like when you caught them last night.
he must've got no sleep,not suprised.

You quietly closed his door,taking a step back. "Curious huh?" you heard a voice behind you. "God damn barnes!!" you shouted, "You scared the scrap out of me!"
oh god,i hope he didn't see me-

"If you already peek in,make sure to open the door slower,that'll be smart" he said,a little smirk widening on his face. "Probably." you answered,trying to walk to the kitchen. A few meters in front of him,you said "dumbass" in a slightly annoyed voice,Just to get a sarcastic "hate you too" back. Yeah right,sarcastic.

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