chapter five

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Author's note: this part is inspired by bblondebitch !!
It was around nine when you decided to go to the living room to put on a movie,waiting for steve,as it is your movie day today. You had already decided this morning to watch Harry potter,right after steve reminded you how bad those 1940s movie's were.

You took a look on your watch, "gosh cap,where you at?" you whispered to yourself. He should've been here an hour ago,and because you didn't wanna wait anymore you just put on the movie.

There wasn't anyone else you could watch it with,Nat and steve were on a mission,sam visited his sister,Tony had to work and the others just weren't around,so you were basically alone.

You heard the door open,oh god,finally someone's here. "took you a freaking long time steve." you shouted trough the living room,hoping to get an answer. "steve's not here,it's just me." you heard a very familiar voice saying.

Barnes walked up to his room and put some stuff of his one his counter,Including his jacket. He came to the living room too,sticking his head a little trough the door. "what u watching?" he asked trying to be politely. "Nothing you would like,weirdo." you answered.You knew you were beeing a bitch,but it's not like you guys are best friends or something.

it was already weird enough how much you guys had talked to eachother the last week,and you definitely had to admit that his presence wasn't even that annoying. It was nice having someone different than nat or steve around sometimes,it was fun,he was fun.
You always put the thought in your head that you will grow on him,and you slowly started to believe it,as you guys just talked more and more everyday.

He came into the room,standing straight next to the couch.
"Harry potter? Love it!!" he said,a smile widening on his face. „what?" you answered,as you didn't expect that at all. "Yeah,i have read the books a few times like yeaaaaars ago." He nodded with his head as if he would see memories right now.

Barnes sat down next to you, and suprisingly you didn't feel like moving away as much as possible,you just sat there with out much space watching harry potter. halfway in the movie you got a text message from steve saying "sorry i'm not there,but suddenly my mother isn't feeling that well,hope we can catch up on that."

Barnes glanced on your bright screen and read the message too,Answering it with a slightly "what a jerk." You looked over to him,when he looked up too and both of you held eye contact for a few seconds. You never really took a deep look into his eyes as you always tried to avoid eye contact as much as possible,Not forgetting that eye contact wasn't your thing at all. His eyes were shining in a light blue color,similar to the ocean. You kinda lost yourself in them,as they were so pretty you could stare at them all day. Another good thing about barnes,you really start growing on him.

You broke the eye contact with a little cough. "So ugh,you're a harry potter fan too?" you akwardly asked him. "I read the the books too,and of course watched the movies ten billion times." a little grinn appeared on his face,which made you smile.

He,or the thing's he would do or say didn't only make you smile too,they gave you also sort of a warm feeling inside of you. You didn't know what it means,but you always tried to play these feelings off,and hide them as deep as possible.

You watched the movie, and about one and a half hours later,you spoke again.i mean you also looked at eachother sometimes,but more like a glance. For example,if there was a funny part,he would slightly glance over to you and look if you're laughing,and if you did so he would immediately start laughing too. "hey barnes,ready for the next mo-" as you look over,you saw bucky fell asleep,probably because of the less sleep he got these past days.

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