chapter four

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As you entered the kitchen,you found steve sitting at the counter,enjoying his coffee,when suddenly he spoke to you. "Hey Y/N!! i was already waiting for you!" he sounded so excited,as if we have a new mission or something. "Mornin steve" you spoke back,while opening the fridge to look for something to eat. Today was saturday,which meant two of you have to go get some new stuff. There were only two yoghurts left,and without any thoughts you just grabbed one,as there was no name tag on it.

"as you know today is our movie day," steve continued, "and i wanted you to choose some movies,otherwise i would have to take out some old ones" he joked. "oh no,i will definitely find some. You know i don't enjoy watching movies from the 1940s." you answered.

you took your yoghurt,and as you walk out the kitchen you take a look on the shopping plan. "saturday- hell no!!!" you shouted,looking at steve.
"Who the hell made these plans?" steve rolled his eyes on you. "I just thought you and buck could do something together once." He said. You hated him for such things,and he knew it. He would always try to put you and barnes into partner work, which you could always avoid trough changing partners.

"You will see." steve threatend you,taking a sip of his coffee. You walk back to your room with the yoghurt in your hands. After you finnished it,you made up yourself,just to call barnes a few times. "What do you want Y/N?" he shouted. "We have to get some stuff from trader joe's!" You responded,grabbing your keys and a bag.

You left the tower at a time where there were not really much paparazzi's around,so you could at least go shopping in peace. "I have the list here,everyone wrote what they need." You said,handing the basket over to barnes. "Sure mom." he responded,which you just answered with an annoyed eye roll.

About twenty minutes later,you got all your stuff together and were already on your way to the 'checkout',when suddenly barnes just went to the right,to a shelf full of high protein drinks.
sure he had to buy them,you almost forget that he always buys 3 packs of them,as they would help him keep his 'amazing and perfect' body.

barnes always went to the gym when he had the time,which he did very often because suprisingly he didn't have any friends out of steve and sam.
"really?" you said with a little grin on your face.
"what did you expect? i have to keep my beauty." barnes sarcastically answered. You got all of the shakes and payed,leaving the store not talking a word to eachother.

You just wished more than anything else on this planet right now,that something exciting would happen that made him or you talk to break the akward silence,but the boring city NYC is,nothing,not even an old lady crossing the street.
You still didn't talk a single word,Of course you didn't, i mean you hated eachother,right?

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