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Word Count: 1649


I sit at the dining room table, stirring my spoon mindlessly through my soup.

"Had a good day?" Tai asks.

Raising my gaze, I stare him down. He sits at the end of the table, watching me. It's been a strange day, becoming reacquainted with the manor. Old memories have haunted me all day, including this afternoon, where I sat in the bedroom, staring at the desk where I once wrote often, for my enjoyment. I can't imagine what I would write about these days.

Rolling my eyes, I look back down into my dinner. "Not really."

"I let Marek go," he murmurs, settling back in his seat. I shrug, already figuring he had. My heart aches still, knowing Marek is no longer on the property, but I doubt he has gone far. He wouldn't leave me here like this, without being close enough if something happened.

"I didn't get to see him before he left, though," I mutter, blowing on my spoon to cool down the soup.

"I'm sure you will see him again, knowing you two." He pins me with his accusatory gaze, but I don't flinch. I'll see Marek if I want to, and him and I agreed Marek could come and visit if I want, which I do, as soon as I can.

I glower at him. "You have no right to be jealous, or spiteful."

Tai exhales quietly, as if he is trying to keep himself calm. "You got over me very quickly."

"I was never over Marek, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been with you, and I take full blame for what I put you through. But you had no right to lie to me," I tell him. I wish I never gave into those feelings that kindled for him. We both needed each other back then, but it wasn't worth what we are going through now.

"The only reason you're alive right now, able to be with Marek, is because of me," he growls, before he straightens, shaking off that anger. He knows that if he gets angry at me, I'm going to walk out, regardless of the consequences.

I tap my fingers against the table, challenging him. "So had you known I would leave you, you would have let me die?"

He goes silent, eyes tracing over me.

"I'm trying to have a nice dinner, Akara," he murmurs. He may as well admit it. He only saved me because he thought we would stay together, otherwise he would have done the same for everyone else in his life, including Evolet, who was willing to work with us, to die for what we wanted to achieve.

"You're used to murder, aren't you?" I push my dinner away, deciding I can't stomach anymore with Tai watching me like that.

"What happened to my brother was an accident. I was pushed by my father."

"One day you're going to have to stop hiding behind your father's actions. You also had a part in the unease within your Territory," I remind him. Maybe I'm being unnecessarily cruel, but I'm so angry at him keeping me here that I could a say a myriad of horribly mean things to him, just to get some of it off my chest.

The door opens, and I glance up, watching with horror as Grey walks in.

Tai pays him no mind, assuming he is nothing more than another staff member. Grey doesn't even look at me as he walks in with a pitcher of water, examining the table instead, appearing completely inconspicuous.

Tai shakes his head slowly. "There will be no more unease soon, I can assure you."

"Is that right?"

"It is. People will be happy we have been reunited, our love story have thrived through all that has happened with the rebellion. This Territory will be stronger than ever," he explains, having the audacity to smile as if he believes the crap that he is spewing. Our love story is a sham, but I'm not surprised Tai is willing to base his entire reign off a lie, once again.

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