MY HUMAN (Yandere mammon x reader )

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MY HUMAN (Yandere mammon x reader)

This story contains blood , brutal beating viewer advise.


Today was just another regular day. Asmo loving himself, beel eating everything in the refrigerator, belphie sleeping , Lucifer stuck in his room doing work , and mammon dodging Levi to not pay him back. I just came out of my room to go find Satan to see if he can help me with my homework. On my way to satan room I can here Levi yelling at mammon to give him his money back. "MAMMON GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK YOU SCUM". I sigh and instead of going to Satan room I go to mammon the see what the commotion was all about.

"Levi ,mammon what's going on". I say walking into the room. "Mammon won't give me my money back". " Why do you need it back now". Mammon ask while putting his hands on his hips. "I need to buy a new Ruri chan figurine." " Ok well listen Levi give mammon some time to save up his money to be able to pay you back and mammon when you get the money please pay him back". "Fine whatever". Levi than walks out of mammon room. I turn towards mammon and walk towards him. "Mammon are you ok". " Yeah I'm fine". Mammon then notice that y/n had her homework in her hand. He chuckles. "You came to the GREAT MAMMON for help with your homework".

"What no I was going to Satan to see if he can help me with it". Why ask him when you have the great mammon here." I chuckle. "Ok when you get a A in all of your classes then I'll come to you." I walk out to of mammon's room to find Satan to ask for some real help.

Mammon POV:
Once y/n leaves my I hang my head low in disappointment. " It just seems like y/n loves the rest of my brother instead of me. She helps Lucifer do important paper work , she plays video games with Levi , she puts on face mask with asmo , she eats with beel , she ask Satan for help with homework , and she takes naps with belphie. But when it comes to me she just ask like im a no body." Mammon then balls his fist up. " It makes me so angry." Mammon walk out of his room and down the stairs to see belphie napping on the couch. "she always takes a nap with you. Well NOT anymore." Mammon grabs a lamp and hits belphie five times in the head with the lamp. He sits the lamp back down and walks out of the house.

                              ( Time skip )


I just finish doing my homework with Satan help and went down stairs to see belphie on the couch sleeping. I sigh and walk over to wake up belphie. "Hey belphie he can- AHHHHHHHHH". I scream at the the top of my lungs. I see belphie laying on the couch with his face bashed in . I see Satan room down the stairs follow by beel , asmo , Lucifer , Levi. "Mc darling why did you - oh my davolio what happen to belphie!!" I look up to see beel crying over belphie's dead body.  Lucifer calls diavolo over.

                             ( Time skip )

3rd POV:

Diavolo gets to the house of lamaetion to see what and how and who did it belphie . "Does belphie have any demons that want revenge on him". Diavolo ask while barabtos clean up the mess. "no not that I know of". Mc continues to sob. She was hurt. Belphie was her sleeping person. He meant everything to her. As barbtos was cleaning up mammon walks back in and sees the mess. "What happen ". "Mammon". Y/n runs over to mammon and hugs him tight while crying in his chest. " Belphie is dead someone killed him mammon". Mammon hugs y/n back while smirking just a little.

"It's ok y/n I'm here for you ". Little did mammon know diavolo and barbtos seen him smirk. As mammon continues to hug
Y/n the rest of his brother came down stairs. Y/n stops hugging mammon and runs over to Lucifer and bury her face into his chest next. Mammon miss the contact y/n gave him. He got angry all over again. And this time Lucifer notice it to.

Obey me  Yandere one shotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ