Your MY Kitty ( Yandere Satan X bold Reader )

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Your my kitty ( yandere Satan X  bold reader)
Request from Sasukewhore43

3rd POV:

Y/n sits in the third row of the class and studies on her work as a pair of eyes watch her from behind.  The guy watching her kept his green orbs on her didn't t even notice his brother calling him. " Sattann!!!". Asmo calls him while waving his hands in his face. Satan snaps out of his thoughts and looks at asmo. " What is it asmo?". Satan ask a little annoyed that asmo stop him from looking at his kitty. "you been staring at y/n all day". "Yeah so what ". "Well are you gonna talk to her ?". Satan snaps his head away from looking at asmo.

Satan had like y/n ever since she came into the devildom just never admitted it. He kept his distance from y/n and watch from afar as she talk and laugh with Lucifer and mammon. Y/n had a close bond with his two eldest brothers and he hated it. He hated the fact that she would do anything for them but not him. He hated how she always went to Lucifer room to do "late work" but came out fixing her skirt and hair. Tried of seeing her go out with mammon and then come back with thousand of bags. Tried of seeing her eat with beel or go out with him. Tried of seeing her playing , watching anime and reading comics with Levi, tried of her napping with belphie, and tried of her letting asmo touch her face.

Satan turn to asmo and gave him a death glare that sent shivers down his spine. "Dear brother why are you looking at me like that ". Asmo ask a little nervous. "How do you get y/n to hang with you ."  "Um well we just talk and s-she let's me do her makeup. Satan looks away from asmo and back at y/n who was now packing up and getting ready to leave the class. She turns around and smiles. Believing that y/n was smiling at him Satan smiles and stand up but when y/n approach asmo and gave him a hug. Satan sits back down with a disappoint look on his face. Asmo notice the dark aura coming from Satan and and quickly stop hugging y/n. Y/n gave him a werid look but shook it off. "Asmo I wanna go shopping today. You wanna go with me?". Y/n ask asmo as she put on the prettiest smile.

As asmo was about to respond he sees Satan stand up and leave. " Poor young brother". Asmo thought as he look at y/n

                            ( Time skip )

Satan POV:

As I walk to the house of lamaetion alone I start to think to myself "why did she have to ask asmo I would have took her shopping what the hell." I continue to walk alone and then I see Beel going to hell kitchen with y/n. I thought to myself " she was suppose to go shopping with asmo. That's it ." I walk over to Beel and y/n and ask her " aren't you suppose to be shopping with asmo?". She looks at the ground and then back at me and says " w-ell he said he h-has other stuff to do t-today".  I hmm in annoyance. I then ask her " well I could have took you shopping why didn't you ask me , I was sitting right there".  She looks at the ground and then back to me. " We can hang out tomorrow i-i-if you want ? ". I smile wide knowing that I will finally get my time with y/n. I tell her ok and continue my walk home knowing I got a date with y/n.

                            ( Time skip )

I wake up feeling extra happy that today I got a date with y/n. I go over to my shrine of y/n and pick up her toothbrush I stole and lick all over it. I then put on clothes and head down the stairs for breakfast which I saw y/n sitting extremely close to belphie while his head was on her shoulder. I wanted to rip his head off but I kept my cool since I had a date with y/n. I sit at the table and did my regular morning routine. After breakfast we head to school.

                    ( Time skip )

Y/n POV:

School was finally over. I started to pack my stuff up and then I see Satan coming my way. " Hey y/n our date today are we still on". I look at him and smile a little and say yes. I never spent time with him I only spent it with his brothers. So when he ask I thought it wouldn't hurt me to spend time with him. " But satan where are we going to go for the date".  Satan looks at y/n and smiles. " Where ever you wanna go kitten". I look at Satan and smiles. "Ok".

                            ( Time skip )

I wait in front of hells kitchen in blue jeans and my f/c shirt and my f/s (favorite shoes) with her hair wrap in a braided bun. She stands for at least 2 minutes and satan pops around the corner. "Hey y/n you look lovely". "Ah thank you Satan". Satan and y/n walks into hell kitchens. Satan gets them a seat in the back of the restaurant. Y/n looks at Satan and frowns a little " I been around for a very long time but dont know a thing about Satan. Maybe I'll ask him since we are on a date". I smile and ask Satan " so what are your hobbies". At first Satan looks surprise but he says "reading". " That's great what are you- " I also likes cats and enjoys pies and did I tell you I love reading ". I look at Satan a little nervous , surprise and scared. Like woah I didn't even ask but he just blunt out said it. "Haha oh wow Satan I didn't even ask that but ok.

Satan POV:
I come from laughing to frowning. " Did I rush things damnit, now she is gonna think I'm a freak ". Before I could apologize y/n DDD goes off. She looks at it and answer the phone. "Hey beel. How you doing. Oh I'm just at hells kitchen with Satan. Sure you come ." My face drop she just invited beel ok OUR date. That was it I had enough.  "How dare you invite beel onto our date you bitch." "Satan watch your mouth I'm not a bitch". Y/n says as her face because angry. " Your right your not a bitch , your a hoe . You talk to everyone else but me. And when I tried you Ingored me. Fucking Lucifer and mammon and then thinking I'm stupid ". I stand up angry feeling myself transform into my demon form. "S-satan calm down". " Heh where's your confidence y/n?" I transform into my demon form and lean close to y/n. "Your gonna regret not acknowledging me". Then next thing you know everything black out

Beel POV:

I get to hells kitchen and look for y/n and Satan but didn't see them no where. I sigh and sit down and order a big cheeseburger. Rest to chow down.

3td POV:

In the face back of Satan rooms hung y/n by her feet and arms strip only in her underwear while a Satan with no shirt  put kitten ears on her. " See you look beautiful y/n. My little kitten". "Please satan let me go please ". "Tch no your MY Kitty and you stay here ". Satan covers y/n mouth with tape and sat in a chair admiring his beautiful kitten.

Word count : 1309

Obey me  Yandere one shotTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon