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This is a request from TsukisTadashiYams

This story contains blood ,threats and sexual assault viewer district advise

Levi POV:
I peek from around the corner at my mc chan as she is talking to mammon.  I had a crush on mc ever since she came to the devildom. I haven't told her yet but I wanna confess this Friday on the balcony but everytime I try to talk to her one of my brothers get in the way. I continue to watch as mammon and my mc chan talk about whatever it was.

I then see her look my way. "ahhhh". I fall back and hide behind the wall preying she didn't she see me . But not to my surprise she did. " Hey Levi I see you over there come here and hang with me and mammon." I sigh and stand up and walk over there to them. "Yo whaddya hidin behind the wall for". Mammon ask giving Levi a weird look.

" I -i wasn't hiding I was just - shut mammon". Levi looks away blushing a little.  Mc laugh and started to put her stuff away In her locker. " So mammon I got these tickets to live band wanna go with me?" But before mammon could respond Levi chipper in. " But mc I wanna go with you know i love live bands." " Oh Levi I know but mammon birthday is coming up and I wanna- " " NO I WANNA GO". He shouted so loud that everyone in the hallway look at him like he was crazy while  mc look a little scared . Levi then runs away from mammon and mc.

3rd POV:

Levi runs out of school. As he runs he started to cry. " She would rather take mammon to a live concert and not me that sucks. " Levi than stops at a water fountain. He sits down looking at the ground with dull eyes. As he was staring out of space Satan walks up to Levi and sat next to him. "You ok". "No mc is gonna take mammon to some concert today and not me". "wait the ruri chan concert"? Satan ask a little confuse on why mc would take mammon. "A WHAT CONCERT A RURI CHAN CONCERT BUT I LOVE RURI CHAN NOT THAT SCUM BAG MAMMON".  Levi was now furious. He was confuse why mc would take mammon to a concert like that and not him.

" That's it im gonna crash that concert and give mc a piece of how I feel." "As you should but make sure you do it right Levi. " Satan says as he stands up and walks away.

                             ( Time skip )

It was time for the concert and mc was getting ready. The only reason mc invited mammon and not Levi was because one it was close to mammon before and plus she had a surprise private performance for Levi from a secret Ruri chan. Herself . As mc was getting ready mammon busted in her room. "Yo mc I'm ready." "Mammon get out im almost ready". As mammon and mc leave the house she looks back and see Levi looking at her with a disappointed and angry face expression. She looks down and says to herself "don't worry Levi you'll be surprised later for sure". But little did she know she was the one going to be surprised.

When mammon and mc got to the concert she stayed in the middle of concert singing along with Ruri chan. ( It's the song I put in the picture just pretend thats Ruri chan song ). As mc was dancing and sing she sees Levi approach them wearing some maroon pants , boots , a hoodie that was purplish that has a red stains on it , and what look like a nerf gun strap to his back with a mask on.  Mc was look a little scared.

"Yo Levi whaddya doing dress like that ". "........" Levi didn't say anything. He just look at mc. He didn't even look at mammon. Levi then walks past mammon and grabs mc by throat.  " Ouch Levi that hurts ". " Why did you take mammon instead of me to a DAMN Ruri chan concert." "Levi i-i can't breath. Levi then drags mc away from mammon but he couldn't get far. "Levi let her go Levi before you-. Levi then pull the gun that looks like a nerf gun and shoot mammon dead in the face. Mc mind went blank. She didn't know what to say , how to feel or what to think.

"Levi you j-j-just kill your brother!!!! " "He doesn't belong to you , you belong to me". "L-l-levi your going fucking crazy. "Watch your mouth mc". Levi grabs mc by the arm and starts to drag her out of the concert  with everyone else looking scared and nervous. " Levi why why are you doing this to me." As mc was about to give up and let Levi do whatever he wanted to her she then remember that she had in a Ruri chan outfit is underneath her f/c coat. She then grabs it and pulls it off revealing her Ruri chan outfit.

"Levi look". Levi than turns around and see mc Ruri chan outfit. He freeze. Not knowing how to feel or say he just pulls mc into him , pull his mask to the side and kiss mc with passion. He kiss her so deep that mc almost forgot what he just did . Remembering it tho cause mc to pull away from Levi and slap him across the face. Levi got angry but before he could react Diavolo , Lucifer , and beel came and tackle Levi to the ground.

" Get off of me! My Ruri chan is here she is right Infront of me! Stop let me go ! Ruri chan I'll come back for you I promise my Ruri chan I'll come back for hahaha!!!!! " Mc fell next to mammon body and cry. She then yell out to Levi "IM NOT YOUR RURI CHAN!!!!!.

When she said that it look like Levi whole world shatter.

Word count : 1006

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