Let Me Be Your Ruri Chan

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Let me be your Ruri chan
Request made from TsukisTadashiYams

This story contains blood,hurtful words, fluff , and violence viewer district advise)

3rd POV:

It was any other day. Mammon getting punish by Lucifer , Levi gaming , asmo admiring himself , Satan reading , beel eating, belphie taking a nap,and mc watching Levi throw a camera that she had put in levi room one day. She put the camera there cause she wanted to make sure Levi wasn't talking to any females on the game. She already kill one girl that was talking to him and she wasnt afraid to kill another one. Mc was obsessed with the otaka boy. She love everything about him. She love the way his purple hair was style, the way he laughs , and the way he games.

Everything that he did , the way he look mc love it all. But she always scared to tell him how she feel cause she scared he wouldn't accept her feelings.  So she never said anything to him and just watch him from a afar. "Ugh he is so hot win he is intense playing that game, I'll love to sit on his lap and watch him play close up." Levi was playing game that look pretty hard. Mc was lost in thought when she hear Levi say " yes I won , Ruri chan I won." Mc watch as Levi pick up the Ruri chan figure and start to spin around with. Mc got mad kinda wishing that was her. "Oh my god Levi I can't believe you won for us."

Mc look at camera sitting up on her bed trying to see where the female voice came from. " W-w-ell I'll do anything to help my team w-w-in." Levi stutter while sitting back down and looking at the screen. "Haha your cute when your stutter ." Mc then sees a green headed girl ( if you read replacements that green headed girl) pop up on screen. Mc look at the phone she was watching the camera from angry. "Argh another bitch to get rid of ." Mc thought as she got up off the bed and went to her toture shack where her last victim was.

"Well it looks like you can die now Betta." Betta was the last girl mc had capture for giving Levi a pencil. She knocked Betta out and toture her in her shack for months. " N-n-no please I beg you, let me live!!!" It was to late mc had pick up the saw and cut Betta up limp by limp. Once her body parts were all over the shack floor mc clean up the mess and went to her computer she had in her room to do some research on her new rival. Mc learn that the girl name was Yui and she was demon , she learn that the girl attend their school and very popular on the Internet. She also found out that the girl was really big for Ruri chan cosplay. " Hmmm ." Mc thought. " Since she is so big killing her won't be a option, I'll have to make it look like a accident." A evil smile then spread across mc face.

She had a plan that would make Levi fall in love and Yui to her death. Mc knew what she had to do. She close her computer down and went to majlosh to pick up some things. Once she was back she went to sleep earlier so she could get up early and active her plan.

                               ( Time skip)

Mc went to school and immediately saw Yui and Levi arguing by the lockers. "H-how could you say such a hateful thing Yui." Levi said as he look at Yui with hurtful eyes.  "I didn't send that Levi." Yui said as she try to touch his shoulder. "Oh yeah well who did ?" Early that day mc had some how hack Yui D.D.D and sent the most hateful messages to Levi from Yui's phone. She sent stuff saying that you were a nothing for good otaka, you could die today and no one would care , and that his brothers don't love him. ( Yes the mc is a hacker yandere 😉) Mc watch the argument in amuse. Cause she also went a bought a Ruri chan cosplay. She deicide to confess her love in the suit. " Levi." Yui grabs Levi hands gently and look in his eyes. " I would never hurt you , I love you to much to say such words. " Mc couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe her eyes. "They , They ,They are kissing ." Mc heart stop beating. Mc mind stop running with thoughts of her and Levi.

The only thing going on in mc head was. "Kill. Them. Both. "Mc went to the bathroom and put on the Ruri chan outfit. She walk out with her head hang low. A demon was laughing and accidentally bump into mc causing him to lose his life. "Kill. Them. Both."  She pop the corner where Levi and Yui were hug up. She grab Yui hair causing everyone to notice mc. "M-mc what are -". Before Levi could finish his sentence mc stab Yui multiple times. She stab and stab and stab her until Yui body went limp. She then turns to Levi grab his shirt and says "if I can't be your Ruri chan no one can be your Ruri chan. And then she stabs Levi In his heart. "Mc stop this right now !" Lucifer came running but was to late. Mc raise the knife and stab her self in the heart.

Word count : 932

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