Life in the Flames-16

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Chapter 16

Why Me? 

Reid’s POV

“Are you sure they didn’t take a ship?” I asked Breezy as we rode towards the southern city border of Floric. We rode quietly and at a steady pace through the city streets at the late hour so we wouldn’t wake anyone. As soon as we passed the city gates we were going to travel at absolute max speed.

Breezy closed her eyes and I felt a light tug on my black traveling cloak as she moved the air around us. “At this point I’m not sure, but I can say four people passed through here, one being Alonia. I can smell a hint of her perfume on the wind. It couldn’t have been two hours since they passed through here.”

“Reid it is actually faster traveling to Lathar by ground than it is by boat. If we cross the Tritan Desert tomorrow it will just be a quick ride from there. I mean if they are forcing Alonia to go with them and she resists at all, she will surely be slowing them down for us to be able to catch them,” Thorin said over the clipping of the horses’ hooves on the cobblestone road.

“Do we have enough supplies for the crossing?” Breezy asked.

“Yes, we all have five canteens full of water in our saddlebags and plenty of food. We should try making it to the desert tonight and prepare to cross in the morning,” Thorin stated.

“No, we are going to cross tonight,” I said.

“Reid, it’s to dangerous and you know it. Beasts prowl the dunes at night and not to mention the raiders. It would be foolish for us to even attempt it,” Thorin warned.

“They are already ahead of us and we can’t give them anymore time. Who knows what they could be doing to Alonia,” I said almost like a growl.

“Reid we can’t save her if we get killed. I know how hard this is for you but we have to stay safe in order to save her.”

"Yes Reid, please listen. You must remember what you are risking our here. Your parents knew the risk of letting you go, so honor their judgment,” Breezy added.

“Fine,” I answered as we approached the three story high gate lined with blazing fire torches. Two armed and armored guards stood atop the wall as lookouts and asked us to halt at the base of the closed gate doors.

“Halt, the doors are closed for the night. None are allowed in or out!” one of them called.

“Sir open the gate, we must go now,” I ordered frustrated.

“I cannot! Orders are orders!”

“Open the gates now, by order of your prince!”

“Oh Prince Reid, your majesty I am so sorry I did not recognize you at in this light. It will be opened for you right away!” he groveled.

 The two heavy doors groaned apart to reveal a dark wooded landscape lit by the dim silver light of the full moon. The main road we had been traveling on continued on for about a mile south into the dense forest and then it transforms into nothing but a dirt packed trail. Also in order for a traveler to be able to see at night in the forest they had to have a source of light. A fire wielder travels with every night traveling parties to light the way and help ward off bandits.

Thorin lifted his hand and a ball of flame shot into the air before us and hovered there, alighting the way.

“We don’t have time for light! We have to go now!” I yelled eagerly and I spurred my steed down the dark moonlit path with Breezy and Thorin following behind.

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