Life in the Flames-21

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Chapter 21

Don't Leave Me

Reid's POV

Alonia faded in and out of consciousness a countless amount of times in between the earth palace and the fire post. If I got lucky enough I got an exhausted smile, or just a few moments of eye contact before she passed out again. That was all I needed to keep me going.

“Next time she wakes up, try and keep her conscious. I would like to finally say hello to my little cousin,” Serra said quietly as we continued to travel the dark dripping caverns below the city.

I readjusted my hold on her limp slowly breathing form as I cradled her against my chest, “I can try, but I have no idea if I can keep her awake. She drew on so much power back there.”

Serra nodded, “That was some of the most powerful wielding I have ever seen Prince. I could tell she was drawing on the full moon but the sheer amount of power she channeled was unbelievable. I’ve been trained as one of the strongest wielders of the Southern Tribe, but I can’t even hold a candle to what she exhibited. She’s much stronger than I expected.”

I looked down at her sleeping face, smooth, calm, and peaceful as she slept. I was reminded of when Alonia had asked me about fire being so destructive and how ironic her statement was. That night I saw how much of a fire ball she really was.

“I knew she was strong, but I had no idea she could do so much. For someone so calm and levelheaded like I’ve seen her, just the anger on her face alone stunned me,” I answered.

“I assume it is similar with you fire wielders about your emotions lending you power,” she asked and I nodded, “with all of her fury and the power of the moon gave her the strength. That final blow – amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

“That’s all that Volcin cares about, power. He wants all of the cards to be stacked in his favor. First, he wanted the water wielders out of the picture. Second, he wanted an alliance through the marriage of his daughter and I to insure our loyalty. Third, was his plan to use the fire kingdom and his forces combined to take over the air kingdom of Nersis. But when he found out that Alonia had survived it put a damper on his plans, so naturally he had to have her.”

Serra spat on the ground, “May he taste the pain that he has forced down all of our throats for years.”

“He will,” Thorin said the first words he had spoken since leaving his brother behind, “I promise, for my brother, he will be brought down.”

Breezy looped her arm through Thorin’s, trying to comfort him. “In any movement against the earth nation, it will have the support of my family and the air benders at the post.”

“There will be a movement. Once my father hears about this he won’t stand for it,” I said as Yllianna stopped to open the passage into the fire post.


“Yes my dear?” I asked as I met her tired blue eyes with mine.

“Don’t let me go again.”

I pulled her closer to my chest in an embrace, “Never.”


Alonia’s POV

I was back to the world of limbo, never fully waking up to my surroundings but also never being totally lost to the blackness. I knew I was safe though, I knew I was with Reid and the rest of my rescuers, but I couldn't stand being just below the surface.

A few times I managed to break through the fog. In Reid's arms I finally felt something I hadn't felt in weeks, safe. It was like an unsaid promise that he wouldn't let anything harm me. I was no longer repulsed by the unnatural warmth he emitted, now I drank in every moment of being near him.

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