chapter two

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Tessa's point of view•

Marty and I were walking home, he was so quiet...quieter than he's ever been. I grabbed onto his hand, "You guys sounded really good, the judge just wasn't ready for it," "Tessa he's right, we are too loud...we're never get any gigs if we're too loud," "Awe don't say that, people like loud," "I don't think anyone does," "People at parties and concerts do," "Okay I guess so, but still...the judges hated us," "I know your upset, but cheer up. There will be other battle of the bands," "I don't know about that." We kept walking and eventually made it to our houses, "Marty you better not fall asleep tonight, we gotta feed Einstein later," "Okay I promise I won't fall asleep." He pecked my lips and walked into his house.


At around 10 I went outside and waited for Marty, but after like 15 minutes he still hadn't showed. I went back inside my house and grabbed the phone, I dialed Marty's number...after like 5 rings he finally answered, "Marty," "Tess?" "You fell asleep didn't you?" " don't be silly," "Hmmm your not a very good liar, now get up and get out here, we gotta go feed Einstein," "Alright I'm coming." He hung up, after another 5 minutes he came outside. We started our walk to Doc's house, after a couple minutes we arrived. We went inside, I went into Doc's kitchen and grabbed Einstein's bowl and filled it. Usually when Einstein get's fed he runs right out into the kitchen...but this time he didn't. I found Marty in the living room, "Marty where's Einstein?" "Uh I don't know." Marty started calling for him, but he was no where's, "Huh that's weird, I'm gonna look for him upstairs, you look for him down here." Marty went upstairs leaving me down stairs, I started looking around when suddenly I heard whimpering. I followed the noise to the garage, I opened the door to see Einstein sitting near something that was covered with a tarp, "Einstein! I've been looking for you, what are you crying about?." I walked over to him, I looked at the object that was covered with a seemed to be a car. I took the tarp off without thinking and I was in shock, sitting in Doc's garage was a  Delorean that had definitely been worked on. I was in awe, a couple seconds later Marty came into the garage, "Tess have you found him-What the hell is that?" "I don't know, seems to be a Delorean," "Delorean's don't look like that, Doc must have been trying to invent something again." Marty went to put the tarp back on, but I stopped him, "Marty we need to look at this," "Uh no. I'm not disobeying Doc's orders, he told me not to touch anything in the garage," "Well he didn't tell me not to," "I think that when he told me...he was hoping that I would tell you the same thing. Which I did, so let's get out of here." I ignored him, I was curious...nothing can stop curiosity. I opened the door to the car and holy shit, this car was awesome. I had no idea what was inside though, there was this metal box that had 3 rows, one said destination time, another row said present time, and the final row said last time departed. This could mean only one thing...IT'S A TIME MACHINE. I looked at Marty wide eyed, "Marty do you have any idea what this?!?!" "An invention that we shouldn't be touching?" "Well yes, but this is a time machine!" "No way, time travel ain't real," "Well it has to be," "It's not Tessa, Doc probably just made this as a joke. Now c'mon let's go home." He started walking away, but I just couldn't. I wanted to drive this car so bad, luckily the keys were in the ignition. I started the car and Marty turned around and looked at me, "Tess are you crazy??? You can't drive this," "Why not?" "Because it's not yours, if you break it or something Doc will never forgive me," "Well then I guess we shouldn't break it." I opened the garage door and started backing out, Marty followed on foot. I stopped at the end of the driveway and looked at him, "So are you coming?" "Tessa if you do anything to this car, I swear I will actually kill you," "Oh will you please relax." He got into the passenger side and I started driving away, I just kinda drove around town. After a couple minutes I pulled into the empty mall parking lot, I just kinda wanted to watch the stars. I parked the car and Marty gazed at me, "Tess your brave," "I know, it's fun being brave," "Sometimes it's fun, other times your too brave. Like right now, we never should have taken this car out of Doc's garage," "Oh quit worrying about Doc, he won't find out," "What if he does?" "Than I guess your gonna have to tell him that you have a very brave girlfriend." He smirked at me and put his hand around my cheek, I leaned in and our lips touched. He put his hand around my neck and deepened the kiss, all of a sudden headlights turned on from a car pulling into the mall parking lot. We broke apart and I looked closer, a man put his head out the sun roof and pointed a gun at us. I looked at Marty confused, "Marty who is that?" "No idea...he's got a gun though." The car started coming closer and closer, I started panicking, "Marty there after us!!" "For what? We didn't do anything," "Well apparently to them we did." I started the car and started driving away, the other car was chasing us around the mall parking lot shooting a gun. I was totally freaking out, I was going about 70 mph trying to get away from the other car...but they sped up. Then I realized I was gonna have to take it up a notch, "Let's see if these bastards can do 90."

i luv this
~kass <3

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