chapter six

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•Tessa's point of view•

Everyone looked at me, "What are you guys staring at?", Marty finally spoke, "How did you know the exact time the bolt of lightning hit the clock?." I didn't want to answer this question, it hurt to even think about how I knew, " grandmother told me. My grandfather was working on some power lines near the clock tower when the lighting hit, at exactly 11:06 PM my grandfather died." The room was silent, no one knew what to say, Marty put a comforting arm around my shoulder. Steve's eyes lit up, "So your grandfather is alive right now, in this town?" "Yeah," "Well we could warn him about the lighting." Doc looked at him sternly, "Listen Randle, we can't do that. It would mess up the space time continuum. Say we did warn this man and say he doesn't die, then he lives. If the girl ever returns home, say he's alive...she won't know him." After a few minutes of silence Doc finally spoke, "Alright on November 5th your going home...hopefully."

We all walked away, Marty and I were walking with the greasers in town when suddenly we ran into another group of boys...except they were preppy. This could only mean one thing, these were the socs. The leader looked at all of us, "So who's the boy and girl?", Dally glared at them, "That's none of your concern," "Actually it is, they are in my town," "Your town? More like our town." The boys glared at each other, a few seconds later a soc looked at me, "Hey Bob check out the girl...she's pretty." The leader, Bob, took a glance at me, "Where are you from?", Sodapop looked at me, "Don't talk to him." I ignored the soc and went to walk away, but he stepped in front of me, "I won't ask again, who are you and where are you from?" "Why do you care?" "Because I do," "Learn not to care." I pushed him out of my way, me and Marty walked away with the greasers. Marty spoke, "So those were the socs?", Two-Bit nodded, "Yeah, they are just awful aren't they?" "Yeah, the leader has like some anger issues," "Oh it's a lot more than just anger issues, trust me."

Later that night. The boys and I were all hanging at the Curtis house, I was sitting on the couch by myself when Sodapop came and sat down next to me. He smiled at me with his beautiful white teeth, "So...hopefully you will be able to go home soon! Are you excited?" "I guess so, I like it's more peaceful then 1985," "Sometimes it can be, other's hectic." I nodded my head, "So Sodapop...what's your favorite thing about Tulsa?" "You don't gotta call me Sodapop, just call me Soda. And my favorite thing about Tulsa is my job. I love working at the DX station, it gives me something to do," "That's cool. Sometimes I babysit, I like kids...they are so extraordinary." He nodded his head, "I like kids too, they are humorous," "For sure."

•Marty's point of view•

I walked into the living room and saw Tess talking to Sodapop, I hated it. This guy is like perfect...and my Tessa looks so happy when she's around him, it was killing me. "Hey Tess...can we talk for a minute?" "Yeah sure!." She got up and we went outside onto the porch, "What's up Marty?" "How come you don't seem excited to go back home?" "What do you mean? I am excited, what makes you think I'm not?" "I don't know, you just seem so much more happier here. Plus your like in love with that guy Sodapop," "I am not in love with him, I barely know him. Besides he's actually like 20 years older than me." She gave me a cold stare, "Tess I'm not trying to accuse you of anything, I'm just telling you how I feel and I feel like your losing feelings for me," "Marty that's not true, I'm just a little bit overwhelmed...but I'm not losing feelings for you. I love you." Tessa and I didn't say I love you a lot, but when we did say it...we meant it.
She grabbed my hand, "Marty I know your scared about getting back home, but I promise we will get back's just gonna be a few days. So please try and get used to it here for just a little bit, can you do that for me...please?" "Yes Tess I can do that for you." She smiled at me and kissed my cheek, she always made me feel better...I just wish she wouldn't look at Sodapop like the way she does.

October 29th (Sunday)

•Tessa's point of view•

I woke up the next morning, but Marty wasn't on the couch with me. I got up and went into the kitchen, the eldest Curtis brother was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. He looked at me, "Hey Tessa, did you sleep alright?" "Yeah," "So the boys told me that your gonna be able to go home soon," "Yeah hopefully, Marty's been all anxious about this whole deal," "I'm sure of it, it must be weird to be in a different year," "Trust is." Moments later Soda and Pony came downstairs, Soda smiled at me, "Morning Tessa," "Good morning. Have any of y'all seen Marty? He's not here," "No I haven't seen him, maybe he went out on a walk or something," "Yeah, maybe your right." After about a half hour he still hadn't returned, I was getting worried. I turned to Ponyboy, "I'm gonna go look for Marty," "Tessa you gotta stop worrying, he will be back," "This isn't like him to just leave." Suddenly Marty walked inside with Dally and Steve, I rushed over to him, "Martin Seamus McFly! Where have you been?", "I was hanging out with Steve and Dally," "You could have told me that, I've been worrying about you," "I'm sorry were  sleeping, I didn't wanna bother you. On the bright side, I was getting used to it here like you told me to," "I'm proud." Suddenly we were interrupted when Steve started snorting, "Your middle name is Seamus?!?! That's hilarious!!!!."

~kass <3

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