chapter ten

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•Tessa's point of view•

After our drive we made it to the mall, no one knew where we things might get interesting. Soda and I spent time just walking around the mall looking at things, we were walking when he spoke up, "So...there is this party tonight for halloween, I was thinking if you want, you and Marty could come with Steve, Two-Bit, Dally and I," "That would be amazing, thanks for the invite." We walked around for a little while later until we decided to grab some food in the food court, we were eating our food when I spoke up, "So what's your favorite thing about Tulsa?" "Hmmm I could never pick just one thing, I love it here," "I love it here too, I mean it's different from 1985...but I like 1965 better I think," "Then stay here," "I can't. I have a life in 1985, I can't just leave it," "Sure you can," "I wish it was that easy." Sodapop was studying me with his eyes, he reached his hand forward and moved a strand of my hair behind my ear...I could feel the connection between us. Suddenly we were interrupted when Cherry stormed up to us, "Hey guys!," "Oh uh hey Cherry," "I see y'all are having some cousin time," "Yeah we are," "Will I see you guys and your friends at the halloween party tonight?" "Yeah," "Alright! I'm looking forward to it."

•Marty's point of view•

I woke up on the floor, I looked to see Tessa not on the couch. I walked into the kitchen and everyone was eating breakfast...except Tessa and Sodapop. I looked at everyone, "Where's Tessa?", Ponyboy didn't look up from his cereal, "No idea, she hasn't been here," "Where's your brother?" "No clue, maybe he went to work early or something." I got dressed and went for the door, but Steve stepped in my way, "Steve what are you doing?" "Where are you going?" "To the station, I wanna see if Sodapop knows where she is," "Why would he know?" "They are super close right?" "Your making it sound like Sodapop is taking her away from you," "Because he is," "No he's not, he's just being friendly."

•Tessa's point of view•

At around 2:00 Soda and I decided to head home, I told him to drop me off a couple houses ahead...I didn't want Marty getting any ideas. I walked into the Curtis house and Marty came up to me, "Where the hell have you been? I have been worried sick about you," "I was at the mall, you don't gotta worry," "Couldn't you have left a note or something?" "I was going to, but I forgot." He rolled his eyes, "We're you with pretty boy?" "What? No! Sodapop's been at work." I lied, it's sorta becoming a bad habit.
Dally, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Two-Bit were sitting in the living room watching tv, I spoke up, "Y'all excited for that halloween party tonight?!?!", Dally gave me a stern stare, "It's gonna be lame, but there is nothing else to do," Ponyboy piped up, "I wanna go!" Dally looked at him, "No, it's for older people, not a little boy," "Whatever...big deal."

Later that night Steve, Soda, and Darry came home. The people that were going to the party got ready, Dally, Sodapop, Marty, Steve, Two-Bit, and I were about to leave when Darry stopped us, "Alright please behave guys, Sodapop no get funny when you drink...anyways be safe and try not to get into any fights." We all walked out of the house and started making our way to the party, Marty was still pissed that I hadn't told him where I was going earlier today, but he will get over it. We showed up to the party and it was already swinging, everyone went separate ways...even Marty. He walked away from me, I've never seen him this angry. I was standing by myself when Sodapop found me, "So I see lover boy is mad at you," "He's mad because I didn't tell him I was going to the mall...he thinks I was with you," "Which you were, did you tell him?" "No...I should have. I just didn't want him getting any ideas." Sodapop went quiet, "Soda what's wrong?" "We need to talk about this somewhere not in the open." He brought me to the kitchen, "What is it?" "Tessa I think...I think I like you." I have been wanting to hear him say that, I haven't known him that long and I'm in a different time period, but I think I like him too. I looked at him and shyly smiled, "I like you too," "You do?!?! What about Marty?" "I haven't been into Marty lately...I've been into you," "Oh no! I ruined your relationship with Marty," "No you didn't. In 5 days I'm gonna go back to my own year and me and Marty will still be a feelings for you will always be there, they are just never gonna come true." He looked at me with his beautiful glossy blue eyes, I felt a pull between us...Sodapop shyly crashed his lips onto mine.
Little did we know...someone saw it all unfold.

•Cherry's point of view•

I was walking by the kitchen when I peeked in and saw Tessa with Sodapop, they were looking at each other all lovey like. Of course I thought that was weird considering they are cousins so I kept watching, seconds later...they kissed. I was sick to my stomach, cousins kissing? Ew! It dawned on me, Tessa isn't a cousin of the Curtis' where did this queen bee come from? I made my way down memory lane and found myself at the Curtis house, I knocked on the door and Ponyboy answered, "Cherry?" "We need to talk?" "About?" "Teresa Jacobs," "What about her?" "She's your cousin right?" "Uh yeah," "So that would make her Soda and Darry's cousin as well right?" "Yeah," "So why did I just see her locking lips with Sodapop down to the halloween party?."


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