chapter four

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•Tessa's point of view•

The 6 boys looked at us stunned, the quiet one (Johnny Cade) quietly spoke up, "So time travel is real?" "I guess so, Marty's friend is an inventor...he created this car. Marty and I accidentally time traveled here though," "How are you gonna get back?" "We have no idea." Steve looked at us, "Well if your gonna stay here in 1965 for awhile, y'all are gonna wanna get out of those look insane," "Genius we didn't bring clothes from the 1960's," "Woah Teresa your very feisty," "Don't call me Teresa, it's Tessa," "Alright." Sodapop smiled, "Y'all should stay with us until you find a way to get out of here," "We couldn't do that to you," "Well where else are you gonna go?" "I suppose we will take you up on that offer."

•Marty's point of view•

Tess and I followed the boys to their house, if I'm being completely honest...I hate that Tessa is around all these guys...makes me feel insecure. Anyways after a short walk we showed up to this little run down house, we walked inside and this older guy was sitting in a chair reading the newspaper. He looked at us when we walked in, "Who's this?" Sodapop looked at him, "Oh Darry this is Tessa and Marty, they are gonna be staying with us for a little while." We explained the whole situation to him and he was kinda confused, but it's whatever. Tess went upstairs to freshen up, leaving me with these boys. The one they call Dally eyed me up, "So future boy, what's 1985 like?" "It's okay, kinda boring, but pretty cool...the music is awesome," "So there isn't social groups in town?" "Not really, just popular and not popular. I see it's different around here, what are you guys?" "Greasers," "So the other group is called socs?" "Yeah...we hate them." I nodded my head, Steve spoke up, "So that's your girlfriend?" "Yeah, me and Tess have been together for 3 years...she's my neighbor," "She's pretty cool," "Yeah she is, she's a good person." After an awkward silence Two-Bit broke it, "So how are y'all planning to get back?" "I don't know, I'm kinda scared we will get stuck here. Doc will never find us," "Doc?" "Yeah, Doc Emmet Brown." All of the boys stopped and looked at me, "What is it?" "We know Doc Brown...he's the science teacher at school," "Doc never told me he was a teacher," "Yeah he is, do you think he could get you home?" "Well the problem is...he won't know who I am, I'm just gonna be some random guy to him," "Yeah, but you know everything about him, so just tell him all the facts you know about him and he will have to believe your from the future."

•Tessa's point of view•

I came back downstairs and the boys were talking, Sodapop smiled at me, "Hey good news! There might be a way to get you home, Doc Brown is alive here in 1965. He's the school's science teacher," "Huh Doc was a teacher, but he's not gonna know who me and Marty are," "Well y'all know everything about him, so just tell him facts and he will have to believe you," "Okay...sounds like a decent plan, when do we see him?" "Tomorrow, we can go to his house." I nodded my head and looked at Marty, "So...I guess we should just go sleep in the lot, we couldn't possibly stay," Soda's eyes lit up, "You have to stay! It's way too damn cold in the lot, you and your boyfriend should stay here," "Are you sure?" "Positive." Marty pulled me aside out of earshot of the the boys, "Tess I don't know if this is a good idea," "Why not?" "Because I don't want us staying in a house full of teenage boys that we don't even know," "Relax babe it will be fine."

•Sodapop's point of view•

Downstairs in my living room, there are 2 teenagers that declare they came from the year 1985. It doesn't even seem real, but I believe them. It's just insane, but that girl sure is something, she's smart and kind...not to mention gorgeous. The only problem is she has a boyfriend, and by just looking at him he seems awesome. If he was in our time period he would definitely be a soc, he just looks cool and I bet he gets all the girls in 1985. I mean at least he has a normal name, Marty McFly...then there is me, Sodapop Curtis. When I told her my name she looked disgusted...just like everyone else when they hear my name. I was left with my thoughts when suddenly Ponyboy spoke up, "Soda?" "What's up Pony?" "Do you like Teresa?" "What? No! I don't even know her, plus she's actually like 20 years younger than me in real life," "I was just curious, I saw you staring at her," "Okay...I was staring at her a little bit, she's beautiful...but she's got her boyfriend," "Right...anyways if she does get out here, you will never see her again," "What if I see her in 1985..." "Soda you will be 36, it won't matter, she will only be 16." Ponyboy was right, why was I worrying about a girl that I barely knew, she has a boyfriend, a life in a different year, and she was probably gonna be leaving soon. So why did I care so much about her?

•Marty's point of view•

I could not sleep at all, Tessa and I were both crammed onto the couch in the living room. Tessa was out cold, but me? No...I could not sleep...I was too busy worrying about getting home. What if Doc can't help us? We could get stuck here, my life would end. I'm just terrified,  but the worst part is...Tess doesn't even seem worried about getting stuck here, which scares me.
~kass <3

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