chapter twelve

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•Tessa's point of view•

I woke up to the sunshine peaking in through the curtains, at the table all three Curtis boys were eating breakfast with Marty. I was still pissed at Marty for his little display down to the halloween party, but I had no reason to be angry...I kissed a different guy, even though he didn't know still felt awful knowing I did something bad. I went into the kitchen, "Good morning boys," they all greeted me back. It was very hard to not make eye contact with Soda or Marty, I looked over at Ponyboy instead, "So Pony I heard you were out with Cherry last night, what did you guys do?" "Oh we uh just hung out," "Darry told me you were showing her something," "Oh uh yeah, I showed her...a cool bridge I found." I knew he was lying, but I didn't push it. After I ate breakfast, I got dressed. When I came downstairs, Soda and Darry had already headed to work, Ponyboy went to school, and Marty was waiting for me in the living room. He looked at me apologetic, "Teresa I'm sorry...I shouldn't have made a scene at the party," "You never drink...why did you do it?" "Because I was mad that you didn't tell me where you went yesterday," "I was going to leave a note...I forgot," "I know...I'm sorry I over reacted," "It's fine." He looked sorry, he came closer and wrapped his arms around me, I hugged him back. After a few seconds he pulled away, "Should we go visit Doc?" "We probably should." A little while later we made it to Doc's house, he opened the door and looked at us, "Well hello!" "Hey, we came to see how the car's coming," "It's going well, I told your friends to tell you," "What friends?" "Well Ponyboy stopped by here last night with his little gal pal, he was showing her the time machine," "Why would you let him do that?" "I trust Ponyboy, he's a good kid," "Who was the girl?" "Sherri Valance." My heart stopped, why would Ponyboy show her the time machine, what if there's another part to the story I'm missing? I looked at Doc and Marty, "Uh I gotta go," Marty eyed me up, "Where are you going?" "I have to find someone, it's important. Please stay here," "But Tess-." Before he could say anything else I sped walked away, I had to find Ponyboy...immediately.

After a brisk walk I made it to the high school, I opened the door and the front desk lady gawked at me, "Can I help you dear?" "Uh yeah, I need to see Ponyboy Curtis," "Who are you to him?" "Uh his cousin, there has been a death in the family and I need to tell him," "Well I could let him know," "No! I I was told to tell him, he gets very emotional about this sort of stuff," "Hmmm okay, I will let you in as a guest," "Thank you so much! I won't take long," "Alright dear, right now he's in gym," "Thanks." I found the gym and walked in, everyone looked at me strangely. I saw Ponyboy and went over to him, he looked at me confused, "Tessa? What the hell are you doing here?" "We need to talk about Sherri," "Oh...what about her?" "Why did you show her the time machine?" "Well...she saw you and Sodapop kiss, so she found out that you aren't really cousins with me. Then I told her that you and Marty are from the future and obviously she didn't believe I brought her to Mr. Brown's house to prove my statement." My head started spinning from all the new information I had just received, I looked at Ponyboy in horror, "Cherry saw me and Soda kiss?" "Yeah...she didn't tell anyone though, except for me," "Pony I'm screwed, if Marty finds life is over," "Why did you kiss my brother?" "I don't know...I have feelings for him," "But you have a boyfriend," "I know...what's wrong with me?" "Sometimes these things happen," "It's wrong though, technically he's like 20 years older than me," "Well right now he's not...he's just an average 16 year old boy...and he definitely likes you," "What am I supposed to do? I have a boyfriend, but yet I find myself falling head over heels for a guy I just met in a different time period," "If it were me I would just push the feelings away, it ain't like something's gonna happen...your leaving soon," "I guess your right...I just wish I never would have fallen for Sodapop Curtis."

•Sodapop's point of view•

I was at work day dreaming about Tessa when Steve walked in, "How was school Steve?" "Boring, you should come back," "No way, I left for a reason." He jokingly rolled his eyes and went into the back, I started day dreaming about Tessa again...about how beautiful her blonde hair looked when in shined in the sunlight, and how beautiful her brown eyes looked when they sparkled. I must have been day dreaming pretty good because Steve shook me to get my attention, "Soda what the hell is going on with you? I called you about 5 times," "I'm sorry, I must not have heard you," "How the hell did you not hear me?" "I was just preoccupied I guess..." "You we're thinking about Tessa...weren't you?" "Maybe..." "Sodapop give it up, it ain't ever gonna happen," "I wish it could, she's just perfect," "Not for a guy from 1965."
~kass <3

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