chapter twenty-seven\epilogue

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•Tessa's point of view•

We were all sitting down at the table eating breakfast when Dally spoke up, " is Marty doing?" "Oh...he's doing well," "Is he over you yet?" "Well not quite...but he's trying."
I hated talking about Marty in front of Soda, it always made me feel so uncomfortable. An uncomfortable silence filled the room, Sodapop decided to say something, "Uh well the year
Y/n and I live in is 2021," Two-Bit looked at us shocked, "2021?!? What's it like?" "It's insane."

After breakfast both Sodapop and I knew it was time, it was time to head home. I knew if we stayed any longer then we would get attached, we said goodbye to the boys. I could tell Sodapop's brothers were going to miss him, I bet it's hard for Darry and Ponyboy because they lost their parents and their brother. Sodapop was the peace maker between the two of them, Darry's always so hard on Ponyboy because he cares...Ponyboy just doesn't understand that. The guilt came rushing over me again, I feel like I stole Sodapop right out of his own time...I feel like a monster. I was standing off to the side while Sodapop was saying goodbye to his brothers, Steve came and stood next to me. He looked at me concerned, "Tessa are you alright? You seem upset," "I feel like I stole Soda from you guys...I feel like I forced him to leave his ordinary life," "You didn't, he made his decision and he decided he wanted to be with you, so don't think otherwise," "Steve I stole your best friend," "You didn't steal him, he will always be in my heart. Sodapop was always there for me and he's a good guy, he will always be here in Tulsa no matter what," "I guess your right." Steve looked at me sincerely, "I'm glad that Soda met someone like you,you really changed his life," "I'm glad I met him too."

We said goodbye to the boys one last time and officially left 1967, it was time to go back to our year...2021. And damn was 2021 is a fucked up year...but that didn't matter because it was our year.



I bet your wondering how life had been, it's been a fucking shit show. Life here wasn't what I expected, it's weird...but I still like it. Things have changed since 2020, yeah the virus is still around, but it's not as bad. Raising children is this decade is a lot harder then I would suspect it would be in the 80's, you have to be more protective. My three children are my world, you already know my oldest...Jake, he's 4 now. A year after I had Jake, I had our second son...Raymond Curtis. Ray is this spunky smart little boy, he looks like me...except he has his fathers eyes. And last, but not least is my newborn...Charlotte Curtis. She's absolutely stunning, she's a month old and she's quite the character. I never imagined I would ever be a mother, I never thought I was the type...but it all changes as you get older. Sodapop and I were able to find good paying jobs, we had to be able to support our children. We were able to get a house and a car, and damn have prices changed since 1985.

I bet your wondering about what happened to my sister and Marty, right now it's 1993 for them. I visited them last month before Charolette was born, my older sister Scarlet is in college studying to be a lawyer. It was always Scarlet's dream to be a lawyer, as for Marty...thing's didn't quite go his way. He got kicked out of his cover band, so for him...his dreams were crushed. He gave up on being a musician, it broke my heart to hear the news...I always thought Marty was gonna become famous someday or something, I guess not. Now he's an office manager for some big business, it's not his dream though. I even found that he has still not dated anyone since we broke up, I guess I really hurt him. I will forever feel guilty about that.

Let's jump back to 1972, the current year for the outsiders. When we recently visited them they all had big news, Steve now owns the DX station, Johnny is in college studying photography, still the same, Ponyboy is in college studying writing, Two-Bit finally went sober...and Darry got married. The greasers all turned out to have great stories, they might have been the towns least favorite group...but they bounced back and showed everyone, that they were people too.

I will be forever grateful that I accidentally time traveled to 1965, if I hadn't...I probably would have been killed by the Libyans.

Now that's my story of how I went back in time. ~Teresa Jacobs (Curtis) <3

The end
~kass <3

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