chapter eleven

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•Cherry's point of view•

Ponyboy looked at me shocked, "They we're kissing?" "Yeah, that's what I saw," "No way, they are cousins...that would be weird," "Just tell me the truth, you aren't cousins with her are you?" "No...we're not related to Tessa," "What about the boy, is he actually related to Two-Bit?" "Uh no...he's not." I studied his face, he looked nervous...after a few seconds he spoke up again, "Do you wanna come in?" "Sure." I followed him into his living room and sat down, I looked at him wanting answers, "So who are these new people in town?" "If I told would never believe me," "Try me," "They are time travelers."

•Tessa's point of view•

Sodapop and I were hanging out talking when Marty stumbled up to us, I could smell the stench of alcohol on his breath, "Martin McFly have you been drinking?" "Yeah...what's it to you?" "Your underage! That isn't okay," "Who cares? All you care about is Sodapop." He wasn't entirely wrong, but I care about him too. I looked at him sternly, "We're leaving," "But Tess the party just started started," "Correction Marty, the party just started for just ended for me, now let's go!" "No way!" "Quit being stubborn, your gonna get yourself never drink," "Yeah well I do now." He took a sip from a plastic cup, I snatched the cup away and glared at him, "We are leaving right now! If you keep putting up a fight so help me I will beat the shit out of you," "No you won't." I slapped him across his cheek, he looked at me, "You hit like a girl." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, as we were walking out I made eye contact with Sodapop...I tried telling him I was sorry with my eyes.

•Sodapop's point of view•

Tessa had just dragged Marty out of the party, he was having a little too much fun. I was standing off to the side by myself when Steve came and stood next to me, "You kissed her didn't you?" "H-how did you know?" Did someone see?" "Relax no one saw, I just assumed that it happened. You look very guilty," "I am, it was so wrong of me to kiss a taken girl, I just really like her...and she said she liked me too," "Oh man she said she has feelings for you!?!? That's good...but bad for you, she isn't gonna be here long so once she's gonna be like she was never here," "Yeah I know...I just don't know what to do," "If it was me...I would forget about her, she will be gone soon, plus she's not available," "But Steve, she said she likes me back...this is an opportunity," "For what? To get your head smashed in for talking to a taken girl?." Steve had a fair point, but it's not like I can just forget about her...she attracts me to her. What the hell am I going to do?

•Tessa's point of view•

When we made it back to the Curtis house Darry was in the kitchen, he came out and gawked at us, "Someone get a little drunk?" "I think Marty got a little out of hand," "I see that." Darry looked closely at Marty, "Why don't you eat something kid." Darry led Marty into the kitchen and I looked around, "Where's Ponyboy?" "Oh he went off with show her something."

•Cherry's point of view•

Ponyboy told me something crazy that I don't believe, he said that Tessa and Marty are time travelers...I don't think so. I told him to prove it so he said he would, he was leading me to God knows where in the pitch blackness of the halloween night. Eventually we made it to a house, I eyed Pony up, "Pony where exactly are we?" "You will see." He knocked on the door of the house and someone opened it, my mouth fell open, "Mr. Brown? My old science teacher?" "Sherri Valance...nice to see you." I looked at Pony confused, "Pony what are we doing at Mr. Brown's house," "I'm gonna show you time travel." Mr. Brown let us inside and Pony led me to the garage, in the garage sat this eccentric automobile...I looked at Ponyboy starstruck, "So what is it?" "A 1981 Delorean," "1981? Pony it's only 1965," "Right, this car is from the future," "Quit messing with me," "I'm not! Tessa and Marty are from the year 1985, they time traveled here on accident. The car runs on a special component called plutonium, they don't have anymore, so on November 5th they are using the lighting to get home," "What lightning?" "The same lighting that is going to hit the clock tower and stop it from working...on November 5th some serious shit is happening."

•Marty's point of view•

November 1st (Wednesday)

The next morning I woke up very hungover, I was asleep on the kitchen floor...I had no idea how I ended up here. I looked into the living room and Tessa was sleeping very peacefully on the couch, seconds later Darry came downstairs. He took one look at me and smirked, "I remember those days," "You used to drink?" "All the time at parties," "The problem is I never drink, so I treat people really bad without knowing...Tessa probably hates me," "She didn't seem too mad last night," "I'm so stupid," "You were just being a teenager," "A dumb one."

~kass <3

𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 ♡︎Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora