chapter thirteen

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•Tessa's point of view•

At around 7:00 everyone was at the Curtis house, we were all eating dinner together. Everyone was talking with each other except Soda and I...we just awkwardly sat there while everyone else talked, Marty looked at me, "What's wrong babe? You seem off," "I'm fine Marty," "I know you Tessa, your not fine...what's wrong?." I wanted to tell him so bad, I wanted to tell him what was wrong, but I couldn't. I could not bring myself to tell my boyfriend that I fell out of love with him, things will never be the same again. I met Sodapop Curtis and now I'm head over heels for him, I might be leaving in a few days, but he will never escape my mind...he will always be pondering my mind. I plastered a fake smile on , "Marty trust me I'm fine," "Okay, if you need anything let me know," "I will." After dinner the boys went to get ice cream, except Darry, Soda, and I. I just wasn't up to it, I've been worrying about my situation between Soda and I...what am I supposed to do? I was sitting on the porch by myself when Soda came outside and sat down next to me, "'ve been quiet lately," "I'm just thinking," "I know you are, your thinking about what your gonna do," "This is bad Soda, how am I supposed to just forget about you?" "I don't know Tess...I'm sorry I caused all of this," "You didn't, I never should have fallen for was dumb. In a few days I'm gonna be back to good old 1985...and you will be an adult probably married and happy...and you will not ever think about Teresa Jacobs ever again." He looked at me sadly, "Tess I don't want it to be that way, but there's nothing else we can do. So I say we just avoid each other until you leave...and then you can go home and not worry about can focus on Marty," "If this is the way it has to be...then I guess it is what it is, but before we decide to not know each other...I want to kiss again," "But Tess-." I put my finger on his lips to shush him, "Don't worry about anything...just kiss me." He put his hand around my cheek and moved closer, he crashed his lips against mine...I softly kissed him back. After a few seconds we both pulled away, he looked at me with his beautiful eyes, "Teresa...I like you," "I like you's just not meant to be I guess," "I guess so."

November 2nd (Thursday)

The boys had already left for work and school, once again it was just Marty and I, things have been awkward between us ever since I discovered my feelings for Soda. There's nothing much to do during the day, so we decided to walk around. We were walking through town when he looked over at me, "I can't wait to get back home," "Same...I miss my bed and my house," "I miss my skateboard." I laughed, "So do you think 1985 Doc will be mad at us," "Definitely. He's gonna kill me...probably give me some sort of lecture," "It's my fault, I never should have taken it out of the garage," "You we're just having fun," "Because of my foolish antics your going to get in trouble," "Doc will cool off after a little while." We quietly walked through town until we made it near the DX station, Marty rolled his eyes, but still walked up with me to say hi to Soda. Soda and I made direct eye contact., "Hey guys! How's it going?" "It's going well, what's up?" "Nothing, it's pretty quiet here today," "Must be boring," "Trust me it is." Marty eyed Sodapop up, "How come you dropped out of
school?" I swatted Marty's arm, "Martin you don't just ask someone that!." Sodapop smiled, "It's fine. I dropped out of school for two reasons. 1. To help Darry pay bills, and 2. I'm dumb," "Sodapop your not dumb, your so smart," "The only classes I wasn't flunking was auto mechanics and gym." Marty smiled, I could tell that he liked Sodapop...he just didn't like me super close to Sodapop." After we chatted for a little while, we decided to head back to the Curtis house. A couple hours later the whole gang made it home, after dinner we decided to all head to the drive in...because why not? When we got there we all sat down
next to each other, within seconds someone came up to was that stupid soc king. He eyed me up, "Hey beautiful," I didn't respond...I just glared. Marty glared at him as well, Bob looked at me apologetic, "I wanted to apologize for what happened a few days ago...when I put my hands on was wrong," "It's whatever," "Let me but you popcorn to make up for it," "Okay fine." I got up and hesitantly followed him, I could tell that Marty and Soda were furious.

•Sodapop's point of view•

I could not believe that Tessa just reluctantly went with Bob Sheldon, he's insane. When Marty wasn't looking I got up and followed Tessa and Bob discreetly, after Bob bought her popcorn he started dragging her to the parking lot with him...she couldn't get out of his grip. He brought her to his car and opened the door, from a distance I could see the worry on her face...when I got closer I heard their conversation, "Please...don't," "It won't hurt...all you have to do is relax." That's when I had heard enough, I grabbed Bob from the back of the head and turned him around. I took my fist and hit him in his face once so hard that I thought I broke my knuckles, he fell to the ground unconscious. Tessa looked at me with joy, "Sodapop Curtis you just saved my life."
~kass <3

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