chapter twenty

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•Sodapop's point of view•

For the rest of the day Tessa was as quiet as could be, I could tell the only thing on her mind was this whole situation. At around 3:00 PM we went up to this hill that looked over Tulsa, it's just a gorgeous view. Me and Tess were standing there in silence until I broke it, "Tess I know we're probably not gonna see each other again, so I wanted you to have this." I slid this promise ring onto her finger, I know it may sound a little cheesy...but to me it sounded like the perfect idea. She looked at me in awe, "Soda I love it," "I know it's not much, I just thought if you ever miss would always have that to remind you of  how much I love you." She tightly wrapped her arms around me and buried her head into my chest, "I love it...thank you." After that was just stood there in silence, until she broke it, "Do you ever wonder why certain things happen?" "All the time," "I just keep having this thought in my you think it was meant to be?" "What was meant to be?" "Us meeting each other," "Of course!" "Then how come we have to leave each other? If it was meant to be we shouldn't have to depart from one another." I thought for a second, "Tess if we really do love each other...I know that we will find our way back to each other in the future," "You think so?" "I know so."

•Marty's point of view•

Well it was my last day in Tulsa 1965...I'm so happy to go back home. The worst part is I'm going home without something that I came here with, and that was my girlfriend. I should've known she was gonna fall for one of these boys, I just wish I could have realized sooner. Teresa Jacobs has been my whole world since I was 13, I never thought we were ever gonna break up. I never saw this coming, Tessa isn't like the others girls, she's not one to cheat...but she did. She cheated on me with a boy from fucking 1965, if I would have known that Tess and I were gonna end up in 1965...I never would have let her drive that Delorean. I wish things could go back to the way they used to be, I wish I hadn't lost my world.

At noon, I was outside sitting on the porch with my thoughts (I had been out here since 9 am). Dally came outside and sat down next to me, "I know your mad, we should have told you. We just didn't want to rat out Soda," "I get it, it is what it is," "Your lost without that girl," "It's just...she has been mine everyday since we were 13, it's just weird that it's over," "Good things always come to an end." I looked at Dally and thought for a second, "Do you think I did the right thing?" "For the most part, maybe you shouldn't have called her a slut," "I know it was wrong, I was just so angry," "I understand, I'm sure she's guilty, but if you want the honest truth. I know she really did love you," "What makes you say that?" "The way she looked at was love."

•Tessa's point of view•

8:00 PM

3 more hours. All of us were at the Curtis house just hanging out, I hadn't made eye contact with Marty at all today. I obviously felt guilty about my actions, I'm just hoping someday he forgives me. No one really talked as we sat in the living room, we all just sorta stared at each other. Nobody knew what to say, eventually Darry spoke up, "I hope you guys enjoyed your stay here," "It was perfect, thank you." Then it was quiet again, I couldn't stand it. I stood up and faced everyone, "I know I made a mistake, but you guys don't have to be so quiet...just pretend Marty and I are fine." Still nothing, "I know I made things awkward between everyone, but it's not that big of a deal." Finally someone spoke, it was the little Curtis brother...Ponyboy, "We're not quiet because of you Tess, it's just we're gonna miss you guys," "Really?" "Of course! Things are always the same around here, but when you guys came around it made life a lot more exciting." Marty smirked, "I'm glad we could spice up your life a little bit."


All of us headed over to Doc's place, we had to get the car ready. As we were walking there Marty fell into step with me, "Tess," "Hey.." "I'm sorry about the way I acted," "Don't be sorry, I totally deserved it...I'm so sorry Marty," "I'm upset, don't get me wrong. I shouldn't have called you a slut, because sometimes things happen and they can't be controlled," "It still wasn't right of me, I understand if you wanna tell everyone that I cheated on you," "I'm not gonna tell anyone, our story is gonna be plain and simple. We both lost feelings." I nodded my head and thought, "Marty, what made you chose me over all of those other girls," "Easy...the way you look at me, you just gave me so much confidence," "Well maybe after your over our breakup, we could be friends?" "We will always be friends."
We made it to Docs and he looked at us nervously, "Alright kids, in an hour your going home...only if Teresa was right about the lighting," "Trust me...I'm right." We got the car onto a trailer and brought it down to the clock tower, tonight was the night.

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