chapter five

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October 28th (Saturday)

•Tessa's point of view•

I woke up to a bunch of snickering, I opened my eyes to see Steve and Two-Bit looking at me and Marty. Marty had his arm around me and he was still sleeping, "What are you guys laughing at?" "You and lover boy! Y'all are like snuggling," "Oh don't make such a big deal." I shook Marty awake and he looked at me, "Tess I had this crazy dream, we time traveled to 1965...and it wasn't a dream was it?" "Nope, we are actually in 1965." He sighed, suddenly Sodapop and his brother came downstairs, Sodapop looked at me and Marty, "Morning guys, did y'all sleep well?" "Yeah, thanks again for letting us stay," "Of course, it was no problem." I smiled and he walked into the kitchen, a few seconds later Dally and Johnny came inside. Dally looked at me and Marty, "So did the lovebirds sleep okay?" Marty looked at him, "Yeah we slept fine."

After we all ate breakfast, me and Marty were ready to go see Doc. If I'm being honest Marty really wanted to get out of here, but me...I kinda enjoyed 1965. Marty and I headed for the door, but Ponyboy stopped us, "Y'all can't go out looking like that," "What do you suppose we wear?" "I'm glad you asked." Within the next 15 minutes we were all in town at a store, Marty and I had to get new outfits. It was kinda weird trying on clothes from the 60's, I eventually found something I liked.

^ the outfit

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^ the outfit

I stepped out of the dressing room and turned to all of the greasers, "Do you think this looks okay?." They all stopped and stared at me, Sodapop said something, "You look pretty...pretty good." I smiled and a few seconds later Marty stepped out of his dressing room, he looked absolutely perfect.

" I smiled and a few seconds later Marty stepped out of his dressing room, he looked absolutely perfect

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^ his outfit (I know it's from 1955, that's all i could find)

I looked at him and smiled, "Marty you look...really good," "Thanks, I feel funny though." I smiled and grabbed his hand. After we paid for our outfits we made our way to Doc's house, except he lived in a different house. The boys went and knocked on the door, Doc opened the door and looked at the boys, "Well hello boys, what can I help you with?", Steve pushed us forwards. Doc looked at us confused, "Who are they?" "They are from the future." Doc started laughing, "Are you boys messing with me?" "No Mr. Brown, I'm being serious," "Listen Randle, time travel ain't real...yet." Doc went to close the door, but I put my foot in the way, "Listen to me, I know you don't know who we are...but I know who you are. Your Emmett Brown, you like science and you like to invent things. Your favorite scientist is Albert Einstein, and you created time travel," "Anyone would know that," "Please listen to me, we came here in a time machine that you invented. We need your help to get back to the year 1985." He looked at me like I had 15 heads, "Listen kids this isn't a funny joke," "It's not a joke, what else do you want me to say to prove I'm from the future?" "Listen kid there ain't nothin else you can say, quit messing with me." He shut the door, I didn't know what to do...but than it dawned on me. A couple weeks ago I heard Doc talking to himself about something called the Flux Capacitor...which makes time travel possible, I had no idea he actually created it though..I thought he was just science talking. I shouted through the door, "Look I know one thing, you created the Flux Capacitor, which makes time travel possible." Doc slammed the door open, "What year did you say you were from?."

•Marty's point of view•

About 30 minutes later, Tess, the boys, and I were bringing Doc to the delorean. He finally believed us, once he saw it he got all excited, "I ACTUALLY DID IT!!! I CREATED A TIME MACHINE," I looked at him and smirked, "Yeah you sure did, now you need to tell us how to get home," "Well let me see how I got this thing running in the first place." Doc started checking out the car when he suddenly froze, "What's wrong?" "This is bad, this car is running on plutonium," "Plutonium?" "Yeah, and it looks like you guys don't have anymore with you." Tess started thinking, "Wait a second, a couple weeks ago I saw on the news that there was missing plutonium stolen from Libyians," I looked at Tessa, "You don't think.." "It was Doc, he stole the plutonium...which is why we were chased at the mall the other night." It all made sense now, Doc looked at us, "I would never steal anything," "Well in 1985 you did." Ponyboy piped up, "So just go get more plutonium and bam y'all can go home," Doc looked at him disgusted, "I can't just go into the store and buy plutonium from 1985," "Well what are you gonna do than?" "There's nothing I can do." I looked at him worried, "Nothing you can do? We can't stay here, we have life's in 1985," "I'm sorry son, but there is nothing I can do. The only thing that gives off enough power like plutonium is a bolt of lightning, we never know when one will strike," "Oh yes we do." Doc looked at me confused, "What do you mean?" "On November 5th, 1965 the great clock tower in town was struck by lightning," "It was?" "Well for you it's gonna happen in about 9 days, today is October 27th...on November 5th we're gonna see some serious shit," "How do you know any of this?" "Well sometimes I pay attention in school," "Listen future boy this information is pointless, you probably don't even know what time it happened at." Tessa spoke up, "The bolt of lightning struck the clock tower at approximately 11:06 PM, on November 5th 1965."
i love you guys
~kass <3

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