Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - Poisonous

The hand was clasped tightly at my throat, pushing me up against the wall. Her eyes morphed into two slits, her skin becoming hot lava, burning into my veiny skin. Clenched jaw, rufescent skin rubricated with blood. Was it my blood? The last gust of air was squeezed out of me and I crumpled onto the floor. Alice looked at me with red pupils and mouthed, why?

I sat up, taking in the first breath I could. My breathing quickened and slowed before returning to a normal pace. What a nightmare. I just couldn't get those eyes out of my mind. The look of betrayal, hurt and defeat looked too familiar. Stop it. She's not worth it. She stole your boyfriend. She didn't know. That's no excuse. Sisters before misters. You don't even know her. But I know the feeling.

"Shut up!" I yelled, rupturing the walls of my room. A whimper escaped from Lemmy. My furrowed lines softened as I looked at my two fur babies. "I'm sorry."

"GET UP! GET UP GET UP!" Logan's voice yelled through my phone as the 7:00 alarm rang. I rolled my eyes at his overreaction and swiped the alarm off. I could get up by myself. I couldn't even sleep for the past three days since Valentine's Day.

Rolling out of bed, I climbed into the bathroom and got ready for today's filming. The veins were literally climbing out of the skin under my eyes, making me look like a creepy vampire. My lips were chapped and my skin was flaking again. Shrugging, I clawed my fingers through my hair, ignoring the pain at my scalp. I had to go into make up for the film later, so what was the point of doing it now. I really liked the concept of the film, despite the kidnapping part, and I would try my best for it. In the film, Logan and his "girlfriend" were at the breaking point of their relationship, always arguing about the smallest things. I was the "sister" of Logan, who was to be kidnapped. My kidnapping was to allow a chance for Logan and his girl to patch things up and work together to get me back. It reminded me of my own life, not entirely though.

Warm water splashed onto my face as I cleared all the oil and grubby stuff —including my dried up drool, disgusting I know - off my face, wiping it dry with my washcloth.  Changing into a retro green flower dress, I ran down the stairs and over to Logan's house, who, surprisingly, was sitting there eating his damn breakfast.

"Excuse me?" I sassed him, standing in the doorway of his kitchen.

"What?" He answered, his mouth full with cereal.

"And you think I can't get ready in time?" I teased.  

"I was waiting for you." He retorted, swallowing his mouthful.

"Sure." I smirked. "Let's go." I rolled my eyes at his annoyed face and walked out to his car. Trying the passenger side door, it clicked open. He still hasn't fixed that door. Slumping into the seat, I closed my eyes and waited for the slowpoke.

"Well you look terrible." He noted, turning on the engine.

"That's what sleep deprivation does to you." I snorted, and blindly fished for the seatbelt, pulling it over my body.

"Are you still thinking about the kiss?"

Pause. "No."

"You are, aren't you?"



"I'm not."

"Fine." He huffed and resumed driving. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. "Are you sure?"

"Logan. I'm fine." I rolled my eyes. "Now shut up." He pulled into the private carpark of the set and smacked me on the head. "I'm awake." I whined, slapping him in return.

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