Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - A flurry of graduation hats

"I present to you, the class of 2014." Declared Ms Coyle, the principal of our high school.

A flurry of black graduation hats flew into the air, followed by cheers powered by happiness and excitement. The students, my classmates, launched from their seats and graduation day became national hug day. I sighed. This was it. A grin stretched widely across my face, aching at my cheeks.

"What are you smiling at, my little Cheshire cat?" Skandar teased, poking my left cheek. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Oi." I slapped his shoulder, before settling into his hold. "I can't believe it's over." I sighed. I glanced over to Logan who waved at us with his eyes gleaming.

Skandar sighed. "I can't believe that I don't have to do homework anymore." He grinned.

"But you have to learn lines." I pointed out.

"Aw yeah." Skandar sighed. "Damn it."

"I can't believe that Logan's agency actually wants to take us on as actors." I breathed into his chest, inhaling the sweet scent that I had long before become used to. His warm hand held my cheek and he pressed his soft lips onto mine. Summer. That's all I can describe it as. I'm pretty sure summer doesn't have a taste but I don't care. His kisses are amazing. I think I'm melting.

"Stop the PDA, lovebirds." Logan poked his tongue at us.

"Shhhh." I shook my head and grinned at him. "Sorry you and Alex didn't work out."

He shrugged. "S'ok. Now I have more time on my hands to steal you from Skandar."

"Don't you dare." Skandar growled, pushing me behind him.

"Kidding." Logan chuckled as he backed off, hands in the air. "But I can't believe the premiere got delayed."

"I think we've said enough 'can't believe' phrases for an entire day." I giggled, poking Skandar in the rib.

"Stop." He pouted.

"No." I scrunched my face up at him.

"You look like a pig." He wagged his tongue at me.

"You know you love me." I smirked.

"Yeah, and your pig faces." He smirked back. Pouting, I poked him again. "I said stop." He whined.

"I'm gonna leave you guys in peace." Logan raised an eyebrow. "See you at the premiere." He waved and walked off into an abyss of girls.

"Bye Logie." Skandar and I teased.

"Shut up." He yelled back.

Skandar chuckled deeply and kissed my temple. "Can't believe I have you all to myself." He whispered.

"I thought we'd had enough of the 'can't believe' stuff." I teased.

"There will never be enough as long as you're around." He breathed. "You're unbelievable."

Heat rose to my face and I buried my face into his chest again. "Stop it. You're making me blush."

"Why? You didn't see a salad dressing, did you?" Skandar teased.

"Are you calling me a tomato?" I muttered.

"I never said that." He sighed, playing with the ends of my wavy brown hair. I glanced into his warm chocolate eyes. I will never find another set of eyes that shine with so much life when they look at me.

"Mm." I murmured.

"What?" he rested his arms around my waist.

"Nothing." I whispered.

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