Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - The premiere

“You’re so red.” He whispered, his fingers gliding across my right cheek. That skin of mine prickled under his touch even though this felt so wrong. My hands reached up to hold his face. Jordan moved closer til our mouths were almost touching and he glanced at my lips. Closing the gap, he leaned closer.

I squished his cheeks.  My hands pressed against his face as he blinked at me in surprise before crying out and smacking my hands away.

“Oi!” he pouted, rubbing his cheeks.

“I don’t know you that well remember.” I stuck my tongue out at him, holding back my amusement. “Don’t try to kiss me.”

“Sorry.” He bit his lip. “Got carried away in the moment.”

“S’ok.” I teased. “Let’s get started on finalising the dance.”

“I hope this doesn’t make us awkward.” He murmured.

“Never.” I smiled. In my head, I couldn’t help but think how this friendship was going to get dangerous. He was too sensual and… old.

“Do you wanna start with walking towards each other?” Jordan suggested, moving back.

“Yeah. Then I’ll turn around so that my back is facing you and you hold my arms. I’ll lift my left leg up and you support me in a pirouette.” I answered, positioning my arms and feet.

“So I’ll have to move my hands to your waist. Cool.” He gave me a thumbs up. “And then you do an entrechat to the left while I continue holding your waist.”

“I’ll move into an arabesque and then we do a fish dive.” I followed on. We worked really well together. It was as though we were meant to dance together.

“How about we break off after that, make a solo piece for 16 beats, then you run to me and I hold you in an arabesque penche?”

“Let’s try that for now.” I grinned. “What do you wanna do for the solo part?”

“You improvise, I follow.” He replied, getting into position.

“Okay.” I nodded and the music began.


Wiping my sweat away, I sat down on the waxed floor. I let out a tired breath. My leotard was almost dripping and my hair was falling out of the ponytail. It was almost 5 but my body screamed for more movement. We’d practised for almost 8 hours and we’d almost completed the dance.

“We almost got the dance nailed.” Jordan smiled, throwing me an ice cold bottle of water.

“Sorta.” I grinned, chugging down the delicious but tasteless thirst quencher.

“When’s the next practice session?” He asked, sitting down next to me.

“Maybe tomorrow or the day after?” I replied, punching his arm.

“What was that for?” He rubbed his arm.

“For trying to kiss me.” I mused.

“Alright I get it. No kissing.” He sighed, standing up and offering his hand to me. “C’mon, I’ll drive you home.”


“See ya soon.” Jordan waved me off.

“Yup.” I yelled as he drove off. Sighing, I ran up to my room and threw my bag down. I was so tired. The adrenaline had worn off. Walking into my bathroom, I turned on the hot water and stripped down. The blistering hot water pounded against my skin, washing all the tiredness away. I scrubbed my skin raw and washed the sweat out of my hair. Wrapping the towel around my body, I combed out the tangles in my hair, droplets of water splattering onto the tile floor. I walked back into my room, leaving water footsteps on my carpet. My hair would dry really quickly but I needed to curl it. My outfit on the other hand, I had no clue. Grabbing my phone, I called Anna.

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