Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Phone calls

I rolled around in bed, the sheets tangled between my legs. It was way too early to get up. The premiere wasn’t until tonight and I had nothing better to do. I sighed. Anna was busy rushing her designs for the next show and I had no one else to fall to. Except… No. I wasn’t gonna think of him. He was in the past now. The phone started ringing and I grabbed it as my life saver.

“Hello?” I answered, sitting up.

“Hey.” The voice answered.

“What’s up Logan?” I asked, curious. He hadn’t called me since Christmas. Heck, I hadn’t seen him for almost a month.

“You know the premiere tonight?” he semi-whispered. I mumbled a yes, suspicious of his tone. “Do you have anyone to go with?”

“Are you all alone Mr Hot stuff?” I teased as Skemmy leapt onto the bed and nuzzled my feet. Lemmy ran up to me and bit my finger. I held back an “ow”.

“Yes.” I heard him mutter sheepishly. “Will you be my partner?”

“Why not?” I grinned. I had no one else to go with anyway. We had originally planned to go together, Sk-. No. Don’t think of him. It had been almost a month ago.

“Cool.” I could feel his happiness from the other side of the phone.  I smiled. “Pick you up at 6.”

“Mmkay.” I answered and ended the call, falling back onto the bed. What to do now. I spun the phone around on my palm and closed my eyes, my arm dropping down. The two puppies were licking my hand for a few seconds before stopping. I opened one eye and peeped down at them. They had fallen asleep on my arm. Just as I was about to move, the phone in my hand vibrated through my arm and woke them up.

“Hello?” I mumbled again as Lemmy started running out of my room. Skemmy peered at me curiously.

“Told you I’d call you.” The voice laughed.

“Jordan?” I rubbed my eyes and my stomach growled. I needed to get up. Now.

“Who else?” he answered. “Or did you meet some other guy that you gave your number to?”

I scoffed. “No. What’s up?”

“Are you free?”

“Until about 5, yeah.”

“Let’s go then.”

“Go where?”

He ignored my question and asked for my address. “See you in ten minutes. Wear your leotard.” He finished after I told him the address.

“Wait!” I sat up. He ended the call. I sighed and bounced out of bed. Running into the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, washed my face and untangled my hair in less than 3 minutes. I smoothed BB cream on my face and tied the slightly less messy hair into a ponytail. Changing into my leotard and tights, I skipped downstairs and grabbed a banana to eat as I filled the dog bowls with their breakfast. The minute they heard me pouring the dog food, Lemmy and Skemmy sprinted in and dug their snout into the bowls. Laughing, I kissed their heads and ran to the back of my house, choking down the last part of the banana.

I stopped at the room next to the door of the backyard. I hadn’t been in here for a while. I hope Sailor hadn’t starved. Turning the knob, I stepped into the bird room where Sailor the sparrow was brushing himself in his large cage at the back.  I grabbed a shovel in the bird seed bag and filled the bird seed container up. Sailor chirped at me and nibbled my finger. I chewed on the inside of my cheek. He had bought Sailor for me. And Skemmy. I opened the side windows to allow the fresh air in and diverted my eyes so I didn’t see the garden. The golden brown sparrow sang and I blew him a kiss. The golden “crown” on his head bobbed up and down as it tweeted at me. Maybe I should paint this room one day. A mint green maybe, or a turquoise with gold accents to match Sailor’s feathers.

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