Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Ice cream, braids and alcohol

I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to see it.

He sat up, startled. "G-Georgie." He started to get up and run towards me.

"No. Don't." I stumbled back into the hallway. Fight it Georgie. Fight it. Keep it together.

"It's not what it -Georgie!" He yelled but I could no longer hear him. I fumbled down the stairs in sharp shaky breaths. Slamming open the main door, I collapsed on the front yard. "Georgie." He whispered.

"What did I ever do to you?" I murmured.

"Nothing. Georgie, let me explain." He cried.


"I-I- I can't." he sighed, defeated, running his hand through his bed hair. He was still shirtless.

"Then don't expect me to understand."

"Georgie, please."

I stood up and stared at him in the eye as my heart squeezed tightly inside me. "Skandar. You were my first friend, first crush, first kiss, first love. Now you're my first break up." I mustered up all the anger and hopelessness into seven words. "I hate you. Stay away from me."

Adrenaline pulsed through me as I ran away from him to my only safety right now. I fumbled with the keys of my house and pushed through the door. I had no more energy left. My body gave in and I fell onto the floor of the living room. My chest was burdened by an unknown weight. But I couldn't cry. No matter how hard I tried, the only thing I could feel was the sharp pain of my chest. But no tears. Get up. My mind whispered. I closed the door and walked up to my room, energy draining out with each step. I fell into the comfort of my bed. Maybe it was a misunderstanding. Maybe he had a reason. No. he didn't. He didn't even tell me why. He was a big fat lying cheater who had hurt me. I closed my eyes. Anna. I need Anna. My hand slipped inside my pocket. I brought out my phone and pressed one on the speed dial.

"Hello?" she answered immediately.

"Anna." I choked.

"I'm coming over right now. Tell me everything on the way." Five minutes later, I ended the call just as Anna burst into my room. "He what?" she screamed, but as she noticed my face, her own expression softened. I slid down onto the carpet floor. "Come here." She wrapped me in a hug. "You can't cry, can you?" she whispered. I shook my head. "You're still in shock." I nodded. "I'm not gonna say all that 'you can do so much better' stuff because I know it doesn't help." She stroked my head. "I promise you'll feel better when you cry. I won't rush you. Take your time. I'm right here."

"Thanks Anna." I murmured.

"I'll kill him, oh I will." She spat.

"Don't bother. I'm fine." I sighed.

"No you're not." She answered. "You're not accepting reality. If you don't, you'll never be able to lift that weight on your chest."

"How do you know about the weight."

"Trust me, I've been through it."

"What?" I lifted my head to gaze at her. "Tyler cheated on you?"

"No." she blushed. "In that time period where we both knew we liked each other but he didn't ask me out, whenever he was approached by a girl, I could feel the weight."

"That's jealousy An." I teased.

"Shut up. This is about you, not me." She stated. I sighed and rested my head onto her shoulder. "It hurts, doesn't it?" I nodded. "The pain will numb itself after a while, but it will still be there. You need to face it Georgie."

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