Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - The teddy bear and the fortune teller

"Seriously, you're an amazing dancer." Jordan whined.

"I'm sloppy." I whined back.

Jordan had taken me to the Sweets Lounge, where we had filmed Crushed. Oh the memories. We were sat down at a love booth and he had cheekily ordered two cappuccinos, flirting with the waitress the entire time. Obviously, the waitress ignored me and flirted back. I'm such a target for flirts aren't I. Too attractive I guess. Just kidding. I was as attractive as a potato. I guessed that was why Skandar had cheated on me.

"If that was sloppy, then when you dance perfectly it would take my breath away." He mused while stirring his drink.

"Flattered, but no." I teased, taking a sip of the cappuccino. "That dance was improvised."

"Not many people can improvise. How do you do it?" He whispered seductively.

"I dunno, it's a long explanation." I sighed.

"Go ahead. It's hard to find someone passionate about dance." He pouted, breaking the seductive look.

I breathed in deeply and looked Jordan in the eye. "When I hear music, my body reacts almost instantaneously. I start to tap the beat, point my toes and stretch my muscles. Soon, the music would speak to me, tell me its story and I would be its speaker for the world. Each time I dance, it is a unique story. There may be some steps that have become familiar where I would perform them to make up the story but every time I dance, I discover new emotions and dance moves. It may just be a tweak of a classic move, but that small change makes all the difference in the dance. Through the sound of the music and the movement of the dance, I feel like I uncover new feelings and understand the person who's written such beautiful music. I've loved dance from the moment I saw my first ballet and I know, I was made to dance. The music soothes me. Usually, dancers would dance to the beat of the music. But I find that I can't dance to the beat. I dance to the dips and pauses of the music. I guess, this makes dancing professionally a problem for me. I can never learn dances; only perform them on the spot."

"Wow." He whispered. "But you can dance professionally. I've seen you dance. Maybe if you try to."

"I can't learn dances. Only dance moves." I murmured.

"I see." He whistled a low note.

"But you're even better than me, Jordan." I replied. He was so amazing. I was so jealous of his skill but I shouldn't be. He was a professional dancer.

"I could teach you?" He offered, waving the spoon around.

"You're a beautiful dancer." I smiled. "I'd be honoured. You are the god of dancing." I mock-bowed in my seat.

"I'm older than you." He scoffed. "Practise makes perfect."

"How old are you?"

"22." He grinned.


"I'm not that much older than you."

"How old do you think I am?"

"I don't need to think." He teased. "Xenia told me you were 18."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course."

"So, Georgie." He began. My ears perked up. He sounded so suspicious. "Are you seeing anyone?" Jordan asked curiously. My bottom lip wavered and my heart lurched. No. I wasn't going to cry. "Sorry." He bit his lip. "Bad topic?"

I sucked in a breath and life flickered back into my eyes. "Is this your way of asking me out?" I teased, ignoring the dull thump of my poor heart.

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