Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Dream

"So plus one for you?" Anna's voice rang through the phone.

"I'll ask him." I replied, opening the door to the studio and waving to Jordan who was stretching on the floor.

"Quick." I could feel her roll her eyes and the click of disconnection echoed into my ear. Women were scary when they were about to get married. But I felt like a mother giving away her daughter to her love. I couldn't believe she was already getting married. It seemed like yesterday when I had dumped my ice cream on her head after she'd stolen my swing.

"Hello?" Jordan waved his hand in front of my face to snap me out of my thoughts. And hello people waving to my face version....3? You know what I mean.

"What?" I snapped, dropping down my sports bag and walking over to the barre.

"Sheesh lady. Calm down." He snorted and started jumping on the spot. "Hurry up and stretch."

"We still have time." I sighed and propped my leg onto the barre.

"The competition's soon." Jordan pointed out, joining me at the barre.

"We already finished the dance. I have to cut this practise short. They need me on set today." I pointed my toes to stretch my ankles.

"Yeah okay." Grabbing the wireless remote and turning the music up, he beckoned to me. "Let's start slow poke."

I ran towards him and he caught me in a middle split, pulling me over his head. I landed on my feet and chaine-turned away from him. Automatically, I started my pencil turns and slipped into a reverse illusion. I watched as Jordan danced his hip hop solo before I did a c jump towards him. His body remained behind me as I weaved my legs to the music. We'd run this through dance so many times it had become automatic and smooth.

"Hey Jordan?" I asked as I propped myself into an arabesque and waited for Jordan to do the lift.

"Ya?" He answered, dipping me into a fish dive. As he brought me back up, I commenced my pirouette turn sequence while he kept his hands firmly on my waist.

"So I've got this wedding." I finished my last turn and flicked my leg out to the side.

"Ya?" he flipped me into an overhead lift and started turning.

"And I need a date." I pulled my legs back into a back attitude.

"Ya?" Gently, he placed me back down onto the ground. "The answer's ya." He laughed.

"Yay." I answered dryly, hiding my smile. We jumped into the a la second turn sequence for the last couple of group of beats for the song. As I held my leg up in a right angle, I curved it backwards and Jordan caught my waist, dragging my body back and allowing my foot to trace the ground just as the song ended. Groaning, I stretched my legs, standing up straight again.

"Good run through." He grinned and lifted his shirt up to wipe his sweat away.

"I reckon we've got this competition in the bag." I squealed and wiped my sweat off with my forearm.

"Yep. So what's this about a wedding?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"It's Anna's. And since I was the only other loner there, I figured I'd ask you to come." I grinned.

"What about that Logan Lerman guy?"




"Coffee after this?"

"Yeah okay." I smiled. "That was random."

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