Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - Smile

"Why did you drag me out?" I whined.

"You were finally free after all those days of shooting." He pouted. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling at his face.

"Where are we going?" I sighed as he pulled me along the pathway, his hand clasped firmly in mine. Yes, you heard that right.

"To the cinema." He grinned. "To watch Cinderella."

"OMG really?" And... cue the inner childhood fan girl in me. The squeal echoed out of my throat and spread, most likely, across half of town.

"Alright calm down Ariana Grande. Don't deafen me with your whistling." Jordan had dropped my hand to cover his ears, flashing me a death stare.

"Sorry. Don't want you being deaf before your death." I grinned.


"Sorry." I smiled teasingly.

"Let's go." He sang and continued dragging me again. The wind flew at my face immediately. It rushed against my skin, like water deprived farmers to a fresh supply of water. It burnt the highest points of my face and stung my eyes. Okay I was exaggerating, but Oh hades I'm dying from Jordan's speed.

"Jordan! Slow down!" I yelled, spitting out the leaf that flew into my mouth.

"We're gonna miss the next session. C'mon!" he yelled back.

"Fine!" I screamed and let go of his hand.

"What are you-" I zoomed past his slowed pace, sprinting against the force of the wind, feet barely touching the ground, and all the way to the front of the cinema. Thank hades I wore jeans and flats today. Breathing deeply, I watched Jordan run up to me. "Seriously lady? Did you have to do that? I didn't even know you could run that fast." He panted, holding onto my shoulder.

"Pays to be a ballerina. Extra toned legs." I grinned and patted his back. "Hurry up or we'll miss the next session."

I strutted into the cinema, looking around and inhaling the scent. Cinemas have always smelt different. It soothed me. It reminded me of mother, and our monthly trips to the very cinema I was standing in. I missed her so much. The poster of the new Cinderella movie caught my eye. The dress- oh the dress- was exquisite. It was a blue blooming flower, billowing from the actress's body. She almost looked... like mother. Or maybe it was the eyes.

"Hurry up." Jordan's hand snaked around my waist. I stiffened at the foreign feeling. We walked towards the ticket booth, his arm remaining on me. I wanted to shake it off. I wanted to step away from him. I didn't like him, nor would I ever.

"Hi." Of course I knew the voice. I looked up.

"Hi." Jordan greeted. I don't know if it was to make him jealous or something, but I had immediately leaned closer to Jordan. Skandar's eyes flickered away towards Alice. They were holding hands in his pocket. Linked. Oh hades I can't handle this. We used to do that. My heart tightened. I could already picture the wedding. Calm down Georgie. What was once yours is now hers. And you can't change that. You can't do anything. It's over. I blinked back my tears.

"What are you guys doing here?" Alice chirped, glancing between the two of us. She lingered on Jordan a little longer than normal.

"We're watching Cinderella." I answered, nodding at her.

"Really?" She gaped at me. "We are too!"

"Really?" I gaped. "Let's sit together! Or is it disturbing your alone time?" I squealed, the bitterness hiding behind my voice. There was no way I was gonna let them two be together alone. They've already slept with each other.

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