Chapter 7

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Cato's POV

Sitting in this room makes me feel absolutely sick. Like there's a stampede going on in my stomach.

Currently I'm sitting on a couch in a room in the Justice Building. Alone. Since we still are just tributes they put Katniss and I in separate rooms. Since I don't have any family in District 12, I doubt I'll be getting any visitors.

So I'll use the time to contemplate the next 3 weeks. Last year was a fluke, both of us won't be making it out again this time. I'll do everything in my power to let Katniss get out alive. Even if it's just the two of us left, I'll kill myself for Katniss. She's the reason I get up in the morning so if she's not here, what's the point in me ever getting up.

In the middle of my thoughts, I hear the door creak open.


I turn my head to find Katniss's mom and little sister enter the room. Before I have time to register this, a small body collides with mine. I slowly rap my arms around the body and listen to the soft sniffles of the child. Prim.

"Good luck in there," I here her softly let out with pause in the middle due to the sniffles that were in the were coming out of her.

She lets go and right after, her mom wraps her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry," she whispers and let's go of me and gives me a sympathetic look.

They both give me a small wave before exiting the room.

And for the first time in a while, I feel a part of a family.

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