The Twins

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I look at the time. Ugh, it's 4:10pm. I'm 10 minutes late. I promised to see Mione again at 4pm. I got up from my bed, and fixed myself. 

I was in my oversize t-shirt that then looked like a dress because they covered my shorts. And I top it off with the Gryffindor coat. Always need to wear them! 

I hurried down the stairs and arrived at the Gryffindor common room. "Finally you're here." Hermione said as she stood up from the couch. "Overslept." I blurted. 

She looked at me. Right at my eyes. "I believe you." She spoke. I sighed. "Jeez, I thought you were gonna kill me." I said, hearing her chuckles. 

I sat next to her on the couch, putting my feet on her. She didn't mind it of course. We're like sisters. She was reading a book while I… was bored as hell. "Hey Mione," I said, looking at her. "Hmm." She replied, still focusing on the book. 

"What do you think will happen this year?" I asked. She closed her book. Clearly I got her attention. "Not quite sure. But I heard something about the Triwizard Tournament." She spoke. I sighed. 

"Why are they talking about it now? It's too early to think of it. Like don't they know that the tasks could kill you." I spoke. Hermione held my hand. 

"I know it's early. I guess they're just excited. But you're not wrong about the death part." She replied. 

"Look who just got back!" Two voices spoke at the same time. Me and Hermione laughed. "Fred and George." We both said at the same time. 

I rushed to them, giving them a hug. "Look who misses us." George said, smirking. "Huh you wish." I said as I let go. But they pulled me back. "No no, stay. We miss you." Fred said, I laughed. 

"Well mostly Fred, he couldn't stop blabbing about you." George said as Fred nudged George's arm. "Ooo really." I said, looking at Fred. But he didn't look at me. 

I laughed. "Well, I miss you guys too." 

"Ahem." Hermione spoke. I turned around. "You ruined the moment." I said, she laughed. "Hermione! We miss you too." The twins said as they went to Hermione, giving her a hug. I laughed. 

"But not as much as I miss Y/n." Fred said as my heart beat faster. I was flustered. "Oooo '' I heard George and Hermione say. 

I laughed. "Next topic please." I said, sitting on the couch. "What's wrong? Don't want me blabbing about you?" Fred sarcastically asked as he sat next to me while putting an arm on my shoulders. 

"Please. I'd rather not." I spoke. We held eye contact for a while. And we both didn't know how to stop it. 

"Y/n?" Hermione spoke. "Huh?" I asked. "Are you okay? You seem...lost." She said, smirking. "I'll kill you." I spoke. "Ooh I'm scared." George tried to mock Hermione as we all laughed off. 

"Hey guys." Someone said as we all turned around. "Harry!" "Ron!" Me and Hermione said at the same time as we both went to hug them. I was hugging Harry while Hermione hugged Ron. 

"I miss you, I haven't seen you in a while." I spoke. "Haha I miss you too. Gosh, you look great." Harry said as he twirls me around. "Thank you." I spoke. "Hey! That's my thing." Fred exclaimed. Pulling me away from Harry. I laughed. 

"Huh I won. George gave it to me." Harry said, walking to George. He handed him 5 galleons. "Seriously, you guys were betting on him?" I said pointing to Fred. 

"Ooh didn't notice." Harry said sarcastically. I hit his arm. 

"Well aren't you a softie." I spoke. I felt Fred's hands wrapped around my waist. "Hmm but I'm your softie." He whispered. I froze. Jeez, those gave me chills. 

"You guys know that we're still here right?" Harry said. "Ooh didn't notice." I mocked Harry as I went to sit next to Hermione on the couch. The others laughed it off. I did too. 

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